Old SSD use

15 Mar 2013
My current setup has two SSD's in use, one a 64gb and the second a 256gb. The larger one is use for all programs and games and the smaller is an OS drive (Win7). As things stand at the moment I am having space issue on the smaller drive so about to chuck in a 120gb to fix that problem, the two SSD's in the system now are both Crucial M4's.

So I am going to be left with a spare 64GB drive and not a clue how best to use it, sure I could ebay the thing but I would get little for it. I have no laptop/second machine need for this drive at all. I was wondering if I kept it in my system and used it as a 100% caching drive how much it would help. Would that really make a difference to a system with 16GB of RAM? Failing that any other ideas?
Can't see it being very useful for caching if you've got plenty of RAM and the OS installed on an SSD anyhow.
I am also considering simply merging the drives to make a new larger partition. The main issue with this I have is the built in windows tool means one drive will become 100% full before things flow over to the next drive. I have always understood SSD's to be things you try and keep 20% or so empty to prolong the lifespan of the drive. Would doing this have a major effect on drive lifespan or are SSD's now at the stage where paranoid fears of wearing them out are now long gone?

I do get that merging drives does mean you loose all data when one of them fails and have an adequate means of backup so this is really just about making the best use of a spare 60GB.
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