Olympic skier accused of cultural colonialism as he adopts puppy from dog meat farm in South Korea

29 Jan 2008
I thought I was familiar with the general SJW lingo, but it seems there is a new one... "cultural colonialism". Yup apparently by adopting a dog and criticising the dog meat trade this American skier has committed a heinous crime.


Oh and a Korean American journalist tries to downplay it by pointing out that it is *only* 30 million dogs...


I don't really get it, it seems rather silly, I'm not outraged if a vegan wants to hold the view that meat I eat is wrong, nor am I outraged if they want to protest/highlight barbaric conditions for say battery farmed chickens, ducks being reared for foie gras etc.. (in fact I'd agree with and support them). But amusingly the current trend of identity politics turns this rather innocent tweet about a guy adopting/rescuing a dog and sharing his views on the dog meat trade into a thing people are supposed to call out as though he's done something bigoted.
Can of worms well and truly opened. I predict a second round of hate when he bring his illegal immigrant dog home and is accused of being unpatriotic for not choosing an American mutt.
Ah the good old argument:

"I've rescued a dog from being killed and eaten!"

"Well unless you also rescue every single chicken, cow, sheep, crab, fish, and grasshopper from suffering the same fate you're a massive hypocrite and deserve to be scorned."

I'm also not having this cultural colonialism nonsense either, I used to count myself as pretty left wing but as this divide an conquer nonsense seems to keep gaining ground I've become less and less tolerant of this woe is me race to the bottom attitude coming out of the fringes of society.

People are idiots
Social media allows these mindless plebs their voice on a world stage. Whilst in reality they are lost in a sea of normal people, on the internet they can congregate in a global community of dimwits.

Take the flat earth society. They would not exist if not for the internet. Their groups allow them to insulate themselves from reality.

Social media has to die. Facebook is losing ground amongst the young as they see it as that dumb thing their parents use. Twitter can't rid itself of it's reputation as a hive for trolls. Ironically it is the furore around Trump that keeps Twitter alive. If Trump stops tweeting the world will.
I know it's the norm to bash SJWs here and I largely agree with that. But in this case it seems that it's the Telegraph that has actually coined that phrase themselves and written an entire article based on 1 negative comment on a post with 200,000 likes. The comment doesn't mention cultural colonialism at all and in fact its reference to "neo-colonialism" makes no sense (to me anyway).
I know it's the norm to bash SJWs here and I largely agree with that. But in this case it seems that it's the Telegraph that has actually coined that phrase themselves and written an entire article based on 1 negative comment on a post with 200,000 likes. The comment doesn't mention cultural colonialism at all and in fact its reference to "neo-colonialism" makes no sense (to me anyway).

It's almost as if online rags cherry-pick stupid tweets so right-wing internet hangouts like GD get triggered and share the links around....

Easy money.
That's basically why I don't criticise things like bull fighting. Yes it's barbaric and an odd way to get enjoyment, but I eat meat and therefore actively participate in things like battery farming. I occasionally use local farms for meat, mainly for the quality but it's expensive and impractical for me so we buy from Aldi mostly. I suppose it's easy when you don't see behind the scenes.
eating dogs isn't a problem.

breaking a dogs legs and tying them behind it's back so it can be easily carried while still alive (and also can't run away) and then skipping the whole killing it step before cooking it is a problem.

of course so are some of the meat raising practices in the western world, although as another poster previously mentioned obtaining morally justifiable meat is quite the inconvenience.
It's almost as if online rags cherry-pick stupid tweets so right-wing internet hangouts like GD get triggered and share the links around....

Easy money.

Yes it is easy money as then people like OP go around sharing saying 'what is this world coming too' and then their friends sharing it. Now you have thousands and thousands of hits for a pointless article over one stupid tweet. I wonder if the anti-sjw people will ever realise they are getting completely played by online media who are raking in the hits.
That's basically why I don't criticise things like bull fighting. Yes it's barbaric and an odd way to get enjoyment, but I eat meat and therefore actively participate in things like battery farming.

I eat meat too but I'm not interested in(and oppose) bull fighting. I don't see why that is hypocritical.

I'm not a fan of battery farming either (AFAIK it isn't used in the UK anymore though barn hens aren't much better).

Humans have co-evolved with dogs, the modern day dog's existence is as companion for humans - I would see eating them as rather different to say eating beef or chicken.

I also don't see a conflict between eating meat and wanting animals to be treated as humanely as possible/objecting to animals being killed simply for entertainment or sport.
We as a species have moulded the domestic dog ,Canis familiaris, to be an animal that can read our emotions and interact with us. Chickens are food.

If a SJW or vegan warrior wants to call me a monster, I'm fine with that.
Real talk, I wouldn't mind trying dog meat just out of curiousity :p

I've tried horse courtesy of Iceland and it seemed alright in a lasagna.
Yes it is easy money as then people like OP go around sharing saying 'what is this world coming too' and then their friends sharing it. Now you have thousands and thousands of hits for a pointless article over one stupid tweet. I wonder if the anti-sjw people will ever realise they are getting completely played by online media who are raking in the hits.

I think perhaps you're a bit naive about this, the narrative is hardly just confined to social media. See for example the latest Labour Party appointment - their new LGBTQ advisor and her views on "white people".

This stuff is now mainstream, while it no doubt serves the interest of people on the left who are in denial about this new focus on identity politics being a problem to dismiss this stuff as just a few people on social media the reality is rather different. As amusing as some of the stories are these people/views are very real and they're having an impact beyond social media.
Humans have co-evolved with dogs, the modern day dog's existence is as companion for humans - I would see eating them as rather different to say eating beef or chicken.

Perhaps in the West, it seems Koreans just see the animal as a potential source of meat just like any other animal. Well the older generation of Koreans if the tweet is accurate.

The skier, probably a SJW too, is probably rightly being called out for double standards once you remove emotions from the discussion.

Looking at the pics it is for me anyway horrible to picture that gorgeous dog being butchered for meat but I also recognise my feelings are irrelevant to how other people view the same animal.
Perhaps in the West, it seems Koreans just see the animal as a potential source of meat just like any other animal.

Not just in the West but Asia too. Those are domesticated dogs, they've co-evolved with humans. If you want an example of the more feral types then see wolves, hyenas etc... this isn't about how Korean see them today but a point about how they've evolved over thousands of years. The dog pictured is an example of an animal that has co-evolved over thousands of years with humans as a companion not an animal that has been bread to be farmed for meat over that time. (I believe they do now have some dogs bread for meat/farming but even still that is breeding something that has had thousands of years of evolving as a companion.)
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