<omg> Duke Nukem Forever news </omg>



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Duke Nukem Forever... Let's see. The last we heard on 3D Realms' eternally-in-development sequel was back in July when a scan of a supposedly in-game screenshot hit the internet.

This followed an image of a pig-thing in May appearing alongside a job ad, 3DR's George Broussard explaining it was a "Real-time in game asset... Taken from a game level with a dark background, on purpose, because we wanted to focus attention on the character."

Anyway, the latest rumours to just surface on DNF are suggesting that the game will hit some time next year and that we'll see new announcements on it from 3D Realms at major game expos in 2008.

Reported on website GameGuru, rumour continues that "an insider" has let slip that 3DR has made "significant progress" with the game on PC and that development has picked up pace in the last 12 months.

"The game's look is supposed to be completely over the edge with tons of stuff returning from the original series (Shrink ray and Nuke button rumored to be confirmed)," the site adds, and, "The gameplay is being pepped up with attitude, killing a mutated pig with a 8 ball stick never felt so good, a console version is also being planned upon simultaneously..."

Hmm, yes, well. We'll file this in our rumour draw for now but whip it back out and shake it in your face if it proves to be on the money.

Hmmm, not sure I am alone in that I don't get excited about Duke Forever news, but have to fight back the urge to laugh.

And these days I can't even tell if people simply don't know how to spell source, or spell it incorrectly as a joke...
Not excited in the slightest anymore. It'll just be delayed again when a better engine comes along probably. If indeed a miracle might take place and they do finally release it, it'll probably be cack anyway.
Well .. I still have high hopes for some mindless FPS fun and frolicks..

After all Prey took almost 9 years to get finished and it wasnt a half bad game. DNF could also be good.. but we shall see.
Id love to know how 3d realms is still in business, who exactly is pumping money into them to keep them afloat? :confused:

Looking forward to DNF eventually though.
You obviously do else you wouldn't have read this thread just like the rest of us. ;)
Actually, I was just curious as to if they've actually got it in a releasable state yet so that I could make fun of them as I usually do when "news" about the game shows up.

Obviously they've not, which is why I'm right back to "who cares?"
It's like Daikatana all over again.

Say whaa? ...

Daikatana was released. It was only upon it's release people said, in their opinon, how awful it was and how it did not live up to the hype.

So think carefully before making a statement like that again, as you cannot compare the two.

Hype for DNF was originally started via the original fan-base, the early screenshots and trailers. Since 3DRealms started the "information blackout", the only "hype" that has been generated has been from the fans themselves, and the scraps of information they have meticulously examined.

Yeah, this game has taken "forever" (haw-haw, yes I have heard them all) to develop and many many people doubt it will ever see the light of day. I don't know if it will or not. I just hope it will. Because I believe it will be a great game worth playing, regardless of how long it has taken.

This news sparked something inside. Regardless of hype, vapourware accusations, I still get excited at the idea of playing DNF one day. And I am 100% sure I am not the only one.
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I remember playing the original side scrolling Duke, was ace! I must have been pretty young though and I don't remember much about the computer it was on... Had a "turbo" button on it though. :D

I don't think I'd know how to react if DNF was ever released, years of jokes and "i'll eat my hat if that game's released" comments. I'd probably just drop dead from the shock.
I played this recently on Vista, ran like a dream AND had widescreen support!

I grew up on games like Duke Nukem, Commander Keen, and finally Wolfenstein3d and Doom.

It was all about the gameplay back then!

The Duke Nukem series went like this for me:

Duke Nukem - awesome, addictive
Duke Nukem II - a good sequal
Duke Nukem3d - interesting for about half an hour, never played more than a couple of levels
Duke Nukem Forever - would like to think it'll capture some of the magic of the original, but even if it is released, I can see it being like Duke Nukem3d = FAIL!
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