19 Oct 2002
Couple of hours ago, my computer hung while booting xp, the only thing I could do was to was to push the reset button.

When i rebooted i couldn't get anywhere near the os

Later after trying to fix it, I ran partition magic and fix one error which ws something like a cross linked file.

I dont know whether it was this which caused the problem but now all my hdd's say that they are RAW !! Why would this happen and how can i fix them, there is around 500gb of data on these drives (2 Satas)

I have tried to run the xp cd to reinstall but the screen just goes black?

Please, please, please, please, help me!
You might want to try PowerMax which is on Maxtor's website. This will scan your drive/s and find any issues and it may also be able to fix them.

If it can't fix the drive I would get another machine and put the drives in that and see if you can access them. If you can, get your data off!

If your PC doesn't even post this suggests a problem elsewhere...

First things first however - get your HDDs into another PC and see if your data is intact!

The fact your PC doesn't post MIGHT suggest your data is fine, but for whatever reason the system isn't reading them correctly.

I have a slight problem with trying my hdd's in another. I'm currently working in Rwanda in an office with just one other very very old desktop.

I have just tried to download the Powermax 4.22 ISO image from the Maxtor website, but the link to the download leads to a blank page: This to this

My last hope, before going to Kigali to buy a hard disk I really really cannot afford and it comes to a blank page.

Does anyone have or know of a link where i could download a copy of Powermax 4.22 ISO image please. ---> Found it

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Helloooo, back again,

OK so... Powermax was useless, couldn't even detect the drives, but its posting fine now.

Yesterday, I went to Kigali and paid a whopping 160 quid for a 200gb Seagate Barracuda :eek: Came back installed Xp on to it (with a lot of proplems for some reason-very annoying).

Connected up my 2 satas, booted xp, couldn't access the drives, did something, not sure what but when i rebooted xp ran chkdsk on the satas and when i got back into xp i could see all! So backed up the smaller of the 2 partitions including all my accounts for my work ... phew :)

Then i tried to get my original xp to boot, but got this error:

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt

So i followed this and got rid of this error, but then after rebooting i got this error:

Invalid Boot.ini
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:


And followed this

When i rebooted, no os could be found, did this bootcfg /list again in the recovery console and instead of the 2 entries there were before, now there were none.

... Booted new xp, and for about an hour chkdsk did this:

Replacing invalid security id with default security id for file for numbers 1 upwards, I lost interest at around 16000 and went to find out what it was doing - apparently after doing this on some peoples pc, the os is able to boot again. Mine wouldn't

Back in my new copy of xp i can now see 3 of the 4 partitions, the one containing all of my software, some new music, various backups and about 20gbs worth of photos and video taken while out here! - When i select this volume in Windows i get this error:

The wrong diskette is in the drive Insert (Volume Serial Number: ) into drive

All help on this error that I have found on the internet seems to be caused by Windows Defender, but i dont have that so im stumped.

Any ideas? Cheers
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