Jesus christ there are some thick companies out there!!!
Im trying to get In Memoriam setup properly on my PC. It installed fine and im only having problems creating a login as i just get some error about conenction problems!
however, searching Ubisofts tech support for the game i came across this:
absolute stupidity
You have to be online to be able to play the game!! I cant believe that they are advising people to turn off their security!!
Im trying to get In Memoriam setup properly on my PC. It installed fine and im only having problems creating a login as i just get some error about conenction problems!
however, searching Ubisofts tech support for the game i came across this:
absolute stupidity
We recommend that you turn of you firewall entirely when playin In Memoriam.
If that is not acceptable you may try opening only for port 80. For information on how to open ports in your router/firewall please consult your router/firewall manual or contact the manufacturer. If opening for port 180 doesn't solve the internet issue you must turn of the firewall entirely.
You have to be online to be able to play the game!! I cant believe that they are advising people to turn off their security!!