OMG WTF - tech support

Like ive said i need the firewall and virus checker on PC, one of my younger brothers works for a software company that handle confidential customer info and until he gets his own PC he uses mine.

Part of the deal of him working from home is that the PC is secured.

Nothing i can do about it!
If your behind a NAT its unlikey you will get hacked. If you dont run lots of stupid programs from kazza and or random email attachments, you should be ok as far as virii go, I do however use AVG free because its FREE. I dont use a firewall though, not much point behind a NAT, and they are PITA anyways.
Bah I always run my firewall off and the only virus I've ever gotten was when I accidentally clicked 'yes' to a downloader - I was typing in msn and it came up in focus, I pressed the spacebar still thinking I was typing into MSN, and it downloaded!
Freedom said:
Well honestly, Ive never used a firewall and ive never used any type of anti virus and ive never and i mean never had a problem :P

IP address logged for future fun ;) hehe only jking
I had this game a while back and had the same problem. Make sure you download the patches coz thats what fixed it for me.

Also, if i remember rightly I was advised to download a patch from the french ubisoft website aswell. cant remember which one fixed it tho :)
Would just like to point out that the most dangerous malicious programs remain hidden at all times (don't appear in taskman, don't slow down the PC, etc.). They're the ones that open backdoors (including through firewalls), and/or log things.

Not having a problem doesn't mean you're PC isn't compromised.

However, too much faith in firewalls & antivirus packages is as dangerous as not having one at all. You will be fine without either if you have NAT and ensure that you don't install anything on your PC - ever (even the stuff that can arrive without your knowledge).

However, the general home user has absolutely nothing of value. That removes the need for a firewall (breaking into a PC won't get you much). The only thing a home user has is a potential zombie PC, or credit card details. Both of which require the user of that PC installing some malicious software. Firewall won't help in either case.
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