On Sick leave.....boss wants to meet for a drink!

I've posted on your other thread. About being ill etc. However on this subject, I'd take comfort in the fact these he likes you enough to invite you for a meal with him and his wife. Thats no small thing. I'd be surprised if it was to sack you based on that alone. However if hes prepared to compromise to help you back to work, like a part-time etc. Then if I was you I'd welcome that and try to meet him halfway.
I think your gf is spot on dude. For your boss to say anything official it has to be done either on work premises, or by a formal letter. By meeting you for a drink I think he may be genuinely concerned about you and just want to chat about it. I understand why you may feel nervous but I think there's no reason at all to be :)
You wont be getting fired, it will just be a general chat.

He wouldnt have suggested meeting with him, his wife and your other half if he was going to suggest anything like that. To me it just sounds like a harmless general chat because he wants to get to know you and your condition and support you.

Dont worry about it!!
I agree with everyone saying the bos seems ok. Just because he is your superior doesnt mean he's a bad guy and fom the sounds of it you are friends.
OK, time for a update, I'm sure some of you might be wondering...

It went well. Better than well to be honest. As wet as it sounds, I walked away from that conversation feeling that I had just had a night out with two friends rather than my boss and his wife. For someone in my position i couldn't have asked for a more supportive boss. For a little insight, my boss's wife is his boss's secretary, so she deals with all my sick notes.

Basically he has said that he doesn't want to lose me from his team and will be as flexable as needed to make my rehabilitation into work as painless as possible.

Several solutions were mentioned, some of them I had thought of and others I would never have considered I would be able to do. He talked about the possibility of me working half days for two-three days a week, setting up a VPN so i can work from home some days, being able to be flexable with my working hours so i can start at 6:30am and finish at 2:30pm if i wanted and finally if it comes to it I can take every wednesday off so I never work more than two days without a break.

For the rest of the time we just had a laugh and a joke about loads of things. It turns out he has also had problems in the past with Exma (sp?) which was brought on by stress, so he knows exactly how these things work. He managed to stop the Exma, but now lives in fear of it returning as he doesn't know how he cured it the first time.

I'm living that now. I developed this problem 5 years ago, but was clear of it for a year. It's reared its head again in the last 9 months and I have no idea what I did the first time to get rid of it...

Anyway! After we got kicked out of Starbucks as they were about to close, I walked away from the conversation with a renewed sense of excitement towards a) getting myself better and b) getting back to work.

Really glad this chat happened and I'm also really glad i didn't jump in with two feet and let a good job (and such a good employer) go to waste.

Thanks for all your replies and support....I can now go a play World of Warcraft without worring :p
Spike_UK said:
It turns out he has also had problems in the past with Exma (sp?) which was brought on by stress, so he knows exactly how these things work. He managed to stop the Exma, but now lives in fear of it returning as he doesn't know how he cured it the first time.

Glad everything went well for you.

I get eczema under stress, it can be a pig around exam times, it flares up all over my cheeks, and is hugely annoying until it goes away.
Great going, Spike. I'm happy to hear it went well for you. To fire you in such a casual environment would have been one of the most underhanded and sheisty things I've seen.

Get well, sir.
I say your wife is correct. I dont think he would sack you at his house while dining with his wife. I think he would like to make special arrangments with you about work.

EDIT: didnt read whole thread.

Make sure you thnak him for his support, sounds like your forunate to have such a great boss.
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Now that's what I call good news. Obviously a great person. You read about people being sacked because they had cancer. This restores your faith in people. :D
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