Yes because you are. You cannot judge a game or VR headset by forums alone. The metrics of forums are typically very different and often opposite to the metrics of the total population of the subject or VR headset being talked about. That applies to all forums not just this one. A few loud people on a forum do not make you the majority like you seem to think it does. Likewise my advice to try before buying and then buying a better headset then a Rift is not silly just because you say it is. In actual fact my advice is the sensible way to do it.
For example it’s possible to have 7 active people talking about a headset or game, 50+ people who have walked away and moved on to something else as it was a subpar experience. But as those 50 are not posting the 7 appear to be majority when really they are the minority. To get a fair accurate judgement have to look far wider than just the forums and/or a tiny subset of friends.
Or to break this down for you in another way. If I go onto a horse forum the majority of posters who have ridden horses like it. But that doesn’t automatically mean the majority of people who have ridden horses like horses. The same applies to VR.
To quote one of the big VR devs. “A lot of people bought headsets just to try it out. How many of those people are active? We found that in terms of our data, a lot of users weren't." hence why I said you are in the minority when you look at the wider audience.
No that’s Melmac and the others who are doing that. What I am doing is looking at the wide audience and metrics and speaking to VR devs. From what I can see the minority of people stay active and keep enjoying VR. The majority are unimpressed and end up going inactive. The large amount of inactive users is the stated reason some of the big VR devs shut down.
As for what I said about resolution it’s true for the Rift. While it was great when it first came out in today’s world it offers a subpar experience and suffers from relatively speaking poor immersion because of that. With the Rift it’s like being half blind you have to stand point blank next to things to read text or dials unless they are mega enlarged. With the newer headsets you can stand double or triple the distance away and still read the text and dials. This gives the newer headsets a much more natural and better immersion experience. Hence why I say skip the Rift and go for a better headset.
No, you are attempting to make out you know something you don't. If you did you'd have quantifiable proof instead your personal beliefs and of talking down to people.
Gimpy, nope, not suitable for a ten year old at all, good choice on the HOTAS instead