On the hunt for a new addicting game to keep me interested

Not an mmo but kind of based on the lore of WoW - try Hearthstone
I've been addicted to it since a friend recommended it to me about a year ago.

IMHO it's as addictive as WoW but you can pick it up for 30 mins and come back later rather than spend hours in one sitting (which you can still do)
Two games that I would recommend that are cheap and very addictive are

Faster than Light
Kerbal Space Program

Not MMO's but well worth trying out.

Another game you should try out is

Elite Dangerous

Surprised it hasn't been mentioned already.
Surely league of legends has to be mentioned here! It's completely free to play. Downsides are, games tend to last at a minimum of 20 minutes but averaging about 30mins and can stretch all the way to an hour, the community can be iffy (any game with this size of playerbase is going to have it's fair share of gimps) and saving up the in-game currency to unlock new champions or runes can take quite a while. Saving grace here that you don't need to worry about runes until you hit max level and there is a weekly rotation on what free champions you can play.
Another game you should try out is

Elite Dangerous

Surprised it hasn't been mentioned already.

Came in here to say just that. Very steep initial learning curve, but it really is an awesome game. Very immersive. New update soon to add more depth to the game as well
Im in the same boat as the op, cant find a game i like. Tried mass effect but i cant get into it, too much talking. Tried dragon age, same again too much talking and not really sure how to work it.

Ive had elite D since launch but cant get into that, just seem to be jumping from one system to another just blowing up pirates not making money.

I dont get much gaming time, probably around 6hours a week if im lucky.

Think i need a good racing game. I anit been pc gaming long and not had a racing game, last one i enjoyed was forza.

Downloading witcher 3 at the moment so ill see if i get into that.
On the hunt for a new addicting crack cocaine to keep me interested

Strange turn of phrase :)

You can always give TF2 a go.

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Surely league of legends has to be mentioned here! It's completely free to play. Downsides are, games tend to last at a minimum of 20 minutes but averaging about 30mins and can stretch all the way to an hour, the community can be iffy (any game with this size of playerbase is going to have it's fair share of gimps) and saving up the in-game currency to unlock new champions or runes can take quite a while. Saving grace here that you don't need to worry about runes until you hit max level and there is a weekly rotation on what free champions you can play.

Been there done that, got the backgrounds to prove it :p 500+ wins, most chars, never played in almost a year as i hate how they have changed it...
Im in the same boat as the op, cant find a game i like. Tried mass effect but i cant get into it, too much talking. Tried dragon age, same again too much talking and not really sure how to work it.

Ive had elite D since launch but cant get into that, just seem to be jumping from one system to another just blowing up pirates not making money.

I dont get much gaming time, probably around 6hours a week if im lucky.

Think i need a good racing game. I anit been pc gaming long and not had a racing game, last one i enjoyed was forza.

Downloading witcher 3 at the moment so ill see if i get into that.

Glad to see im not the only one stuck as a duck, poo isnt it! I have too much time to play haha, i finish school and unless i go out, im on the pc from 4pm until 11 or 12, unless i have kickboxing or a football match, every day and then saturdays and sundays im on most of the time..
Sorry for late replies been very busy!
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