On the hunt for a new addicting game to keep me interested

I'll second FTL.
Started playing again the other night. Excellent waste of a couple of hours but still hard even on easy. Only ever completed it once and that was before the huge update (which is fantastic )

Can be picked up for a few quid on Humble I think.
I'll second FTL.
Started playing again the other night. Excellent waste of a couple of hours but still hard even on easy. Only ever completed it once and that was before the huge update (which is fantastic )

Can be picked up for a few quid on Humble I think.


I've put about 30 hours into it only playing on "normal" difficulty* with the default ship, and I've never beaten the final boss.

To be fair, after all that time playing and improving (not enough) with the standard ship, I couldn't quite face learning the ropes with an alternative vessel.

It's a great game, though.

* except one go on easy, in which I completed it :)
Still unsure on what to invest my time and money into, thinking of jumping back into iRacing, but not sure still, any other ideas? Not the biggest fan of subs, but theres no racing games like iRacing...
Having a look into that, does not look bad at all

There is an ongoing thread on here, quite a few people are playing it. I bought a year sub last october but I've rarely touched it. Just started downloading it again yesterday to see what changes there are.

It's very good, and a lot of people tried their dinosaur one too but I've not tried it myself.
Too bad you don't like Indie ?

So many good Indie games. My latest discovery is the Why Am I Dead game series -- RPG puzzle mystery type game(s).
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