How's this going for you?Still not touched a drop this year, fair to say I'm fairly good at controlling my cravings
I'm not the sort that has to have none or I'll drink it all to be fair. We have loads of booze in the house (45 bottles of gin for example!) and you know I have a fair chunk of wine, too. I am much more about quality over quantity so might get to that point where I only drink expensive stuff and enjoy it with meals etc. as that's when I love it the most. Will see!Wow, good luck mate. I guess there's always the option to still allow yourself to share a bottle at home with the wife but just try and really limit and restrain yourself, or do you think it's easier to just have a blanket restriction?
Only 2.nights a week but last week demolished a bottle of red Friday night 14 percent then started on the beer, was physically OK but on a real downer on the Saturday, this is what I do.
Will power is rubbish but dont drink when working the next day, that's one posotive, just need to sort binge out
Pretty much failed at giving up many times for the simple reason I get such a massive rush at the time, really enjoy it, then like a credit card it has to be paid for.
Going to try and stick to the 2 bottles of wine over 2 nights, guess a bottle in a sitting is seen as binge drinking but I can't see me stopping,
Watching a movie would trigger me for sure, going for a surf would delay me but not stop
Do you reckon a full bottle of red is excessive in one go, sure my doc would say yes but I feel is OK it's just the will power crumbles after it, so I need to just have that 1 bottle.
My big problem is I dont want to stop but I do want to stop feeling like you know what the day after, mentally that is.
Do you reckon a full bottle of red is excessive in one go, sure my doc would say yes but I feel is OK it's just the will power crumbles after it, so I need to just have that 1 bottle.
I also work in a gin Distillery, that doesn't help we got a free 50 quid box of mixed drinks the other week and discount and free gin,
Very good but really very bad,,,,, ,
Still not convinced 2 bottles a week even if done over 2 nights is that bad, but the session I described was definitely damaging
I find that some house bound things I do are enhanced by drink, youtube or a movie, but as I said I dont drink on night before work ever.
My aim is to stick to the one bottle but not to buy the strongest possible (definitely addicted I know and can't deny)
I'm not the sort that has to have none or I'll drink it all to be fair. We have loads of booze in the house (45 bottles of gin for example!) and you know I have a fair chunk of wine, too. I am much more about quality over quantity so might get to that point where I only drink expensive stuff and enjoy it with meals etc. as that's when I love it the most. Will see!
Well I'm actually drinking a corona here right this minute... BUT I very very rarely drink at all. I had nothing from that post and to be fair haven't drunk much this year at all. The occasional glass of red with a meal. I have only got absolutely ******* once, which was when I said I wasn't drinking and stopped on 2nd July. Funny how I remember. I had nothing until I was in the mountains on my own, where I had 3 beers over 7 days. It was hot and I'd had some lovely hikes out on my own and just fancied a beer sitting on the terrace. I had one, was happy. That was it.How is it going? I have also given up recently as I am sure my consumption was getting a little out of hand, i.e. 1 bottle of wine per night seven days a week.
I have purchased many bottles of wine based on your recommendations, so your journey is very similar to mine.