Do people who don't have a problem think about the impact that their drinking has on their life? Do they consider cutting down? Never mind cutting down 'drastically' as you put it.
Finally, do most people frequent a pub a few times a day, as you just you currently do (or at least did until they shut at any rate).
The non problem drinkers I know wouldn't feel the need to have their medical friends supervise them should they need to stop drinking for some reason.
If your brother, sister, close friend or whatever drank the way you do would you consider them to have a problem?
I'd strongly encourage you to think about these questions honestly and consider where you want to go from there.
I'll be honest mate, I've been there and I've heard thousands of stories from those who've also been there over the years and I'm inclined to agree with your statement that what you've written is typical denial.
Good luck what ever you decide. As with anyone in this thread of I can help, I'd be delighted to. Email is in trust.
Nice one, that's no small achievement!
Thanks for the support it's heartwarming to know we are not alone in our united struggles against the mighty bottle
Regarding my post and your response, I'm sure there is definitely an element of denial, but the way I've been feeling and how I consider my circumstances now, I honestly I think I've got this, I know my previous posts and ramblings make me sound a great deal more alcoholic than I might be, so I feel I should add a bit more meat to the bone(s).
I live in a tiny fishing village the social centres of which are the pub and the social club, said club is also where I am the chairman and work(ed, it's obviously closed now) part-time during the C19 crisis due to staff shielding, it's also where all the locals come to watch the rugby or other sporting events.
So it's not uncommon over the weekend to watch 6 games of rugby, rotate on and off shift behind the bar and begrudgingly/obviously have a few bevvies in the process. The club also houses the local taverna/pizzeria so we usually (during the weekend) end up eating out too. That's an explanation as to why I'm always in there, at least over the weekends, weekdays I seldom venture in there unless a work meeting, training or committee engagement means I end up walking past the front door
Regarding the medical assistance, I am for my sins the community first responder so by association I know and socially hang around with a lot of paramedics, doctors etc.. I don't hide how much I drink, and I said I was planning to give up the doctor mentioned I might well be dependant and going cold turkey isn't always the greatest idea, as such I should keep an eye on my vitals, stock up on vitamin b12 and if anything went awry to contact him/them. Thus far it's been uneventful, the only symptom has been a welcome amount of weight loss (circa a stone as we speak).
Guess we shall see where this year takes us in terms of lockdowns and such, but two weeks in I'm finding it surprisingly easy, maybe that will change.