One thing I like about Britain

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18 Oct 2002
It's anti-gun laws. In my area (hampshire) their doing a thing for one month where anyone who has a gun/rifle illegally can get rid of it by handing it in to the police station and having no questions asked. Which is a good idea I think :) This is pre- to the new laws that are due to be in force soon.

Soon their introducing a law where anyone found in posession of an illegal weapon will face a minimum of 5 years. I'm glad weapons arn't legalised in this country to be honest. Guns rule out any chance of a fight, getting away from the attacker ect..ect.

There are many many things that are crap about this countries laws, but the anti-gun law is one i'm proud of :)

There's an amnesty throughough the country I think. There's certainly one round here as well.

I also think it's great that you cannot just walk around fully loaded.
wooohoooo an amnesty..

I cant wait until all those drug dealers, rapists, murderers and thugs just hand in their guns.

We all know how law abiding criminals are.
The public should be banned from owning guns, there's no need for them. I've never seen the attraction of sport shooting myself but I guess if people feel inclined to play with weapons then there's no harm as long as a club keeps the guns kept securely.
And what are they doing with the gun amnesty in Manchester?

Hand in a gun and get a free boxing match ticket, from Frank Warren.

If this isnt rewarding criminals I dont know what is.
Originally posted by punky_munky
The public should be banned from owning guns, there's no need for them. I've never seen the attraction of sport shooting myself but I guess if people feel inclined to play with weapons then there's no harm as long as a club keeps the guns kept securely.


Originally posted by Ex-RoNiN
I mean with real guns and real ammo.

Then I am strongly opposed to your first post. I do NOT think our law is too restrictive.

Originally posted by Mikol
Arggggghhh! Thats the point we are making...b the amnesties are for firearms ie, handguns/rifles/shotguns/bullets/RPG etc!

Feek has an AIR RIFLE which is perfectly legal to have.

Oh wait, thats the point your making too, for sport shooting why would you need bullets. Indeed... however things like the olympics etc use bullets which is beyond me


I have owned an air rifle and have been hunting with it. I see the point in that, I don't see the point in people needed more than pellets.
Originally posted by Mikol
Right on...pellets are good enough for me. The fun in shootin a few bottles/telegraph poles, electricy pilon's etc ;) few birds, why would you need bullets for stuff like this + target shootin?

Beats me.

I went shooting cute ikkle bunny wabbits with mine :)
The absolute vast majority of crimes committed with guns in this country is with illegal firearms. Why should an amnesty make a scrap of difference to criminals?

I don't think the amnesty is that important, it's just giving them a chance to give up their weapons now or face the concequences if they get caught with them later. Although, rather than give up their guns they'd probably just sell them.
I think there's a legislation that before changing an ownership of gun law, there has to be an amnesty.

Not sure of the truth in that though, can't find any links for it.

Originally posted by Ex-RoNiN
What's wrong with sport shooting with real guns and ammo :confused:

The fact that it's real guns and ammo.

Whats the requirement for it?
Originally posted by Gilly
I think there's a legislation that before changing an ownership of gun law, there has to be an amnesty.

Not sure of the truth in that though, can't find any links for it.

It would make sense, otherwise it would be a bit unfair wouldn't it?
Originally posted by Gilly

The fact that it's real guns and ammo.

Whats the requirement for it?

It makes for an interesting challenge :) Shooting an air-driven pellet is so much different to a real gunshot.

I still don't see the problem with it :confused:
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