one victim gets a broken neck, judge gives suspended sentence...(Belvoir Hunt vs Hunt Monitors)

I could accept that they were guilty of the ABH of the other fellow on the basis of calling in the boys, but I don’t believe there was intent to make it more serious than a push and a shove to scare them off (if the mob call a hit there is a clear intent to kill).

Either way there was a clear GBH of the guy left bloodied and possibly not on the guy with a broken neck (do broken bones count as GBH?), so odd they plead guilty to GBH to one and not the other.

Push and shove they threw them down a 14ft embankment and left them for dead for all they knew given they were unconscious.

It's pretty reasonable toforsee throwing somone down a 14ft drop in the cou try side then abandoning them is likley to lead to severe risk
Ok, what am I doing?

I’ve pointed out that:-
These guys didn’t break anyone’s neck
They are under no legal obigstion to say who did
Since they didn’t break anyone’s neck the reality is people tend not to get locked up for giving someone a punch and pushing the over as a first offence, especially when they plead guilty

There’s no doubt these guys are ****s for not naming them but the court can’t lock them up for that.

But hey, if you want to maintain the them and us narrative then I’m the 13th Duke of Wybourne, and I love a good day out fox hunting.
If you push someone off a cliff, you are not guilty of anything other than pushing them over?

So the fact that he broke his neck during the fall is not the fault of the people who pushing him off the edge.

OK, got it. Sorry for my ignorance! :p
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