Online gaming = faith in humanity lost.

Spend an afternoon on ********, you'll be so desensitised you'll not worry about kids whining in COD.

Thing is I never take anything personally the thing that interests me is what do they gain from the abuse, does it make them feel better or just doing it because they find it funny. I am not talking banter this is full on hope you get cancer lines which I hope never gets desensitised and accepted.
banter in some games is worse than others . some banter is better than the game you playing aslong as it don't go to far.

i have seen situations were people are tracking people down by location ip traces and actually meeting up for fights :p

just have a bit of fun don't go to far.

i just usually use same silly lines nothing offensive. sort of trademarks on servers.

im on joypad , add me on facebook , i bench 320lbs :D often get some great fun replies without needing to go over the top.
One thing I want to point out that todays games use and that's team play. Or at least your solo rank is based on team play (MMR). Back when we didn't have ranks we didn't have trash talk because we didn't care if we lost, because it was normally down to ourselves. Now it's heavily focused on if you win or lose games, not at how well you do during that game. It's what annoys me and I think I was a nice gamer but I'm just not any more. When someone on my team can single handily swing the game to a loss I don't see why my skill should be affected in that. CS:GO and Dota 2 are strong examples of this.

You have to be so good you can actually solo carry the game (so be better than the other team as well). Sure you can play unranked...but it's still matchmaking so it's still ranked.

The ranking systems definitely fuels the fire, the csgo ranking system is very odd though and is the worst for causing abusive players. Simply because if you lose and you finish top of the losing team you can still lose a rank. Now I believe you should just be neutral to ranking changes so you neither gain or lose a rank if you finish top of a losing team.

Regarding the new/bad players it is luck of the draw, I had 2 unranked players in my team who underperformed and pretty much lost us the match. Either you should only play against other unranked / low rank players or have to introduction mode to cs competitive matches which teaches you the basics.
I occasionally get the mood to play games online but get put off after a few minutes by the language and immaturity of people playing. The amount of times I come across a player on GTA V whose voice hasn't even dropped yet and get called various names.

ARMA 3 is a little better though.
Its the xbox generation its just abuse none stop ect , you could be bottom or top of the scoreboard you are gonna get abuse

I mute the other team in cs now days I don't read chat ect just focus on my game
Add World of Warcraft to that list.

I played it first time in 2005-9, so saw Vanilla, Burning Crusade and a bit of Lich King. I thought the community was great back then. PUGs enjoyed some banter while wiping, occasional ninja looter, and any friendly players usually got added to the buddy list. Guild banter on Teamspeak was a blast while clearing AQ40, Gruul's etc.

5 year break. Then I re-subbed summer 2014, same server same guild, to see the tail end of Mists and virtually NO Warlords due to queues even though I pre-ordered the damn thing. Groups now tend to be a silent Charlie Chaplin film, people send /invite without whispering first. Ninja looting a lot more common. I still managed to get my warlock to ilvl 542 before Warlords but it felt very much like a single player game to me.
There used to be some mick taking and joking but nowhere near at hateful and vitriolic as the chat in MP games these days.
Oddly enough all this seemed to appear when COD:MW2 came out.

It's the way it is now there are no communities mainly because like someone said every man and his idiot kid has access to a PC and web due to cheap hardware and better tech.

The good thing is I think it will probably change lets face it the PC is not a main household item anymore and people are more likely to buy a ipad, phone or sudo-laptop. A PC per-se isn't on the list anymore - a good thing imo.
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Just be glad you're not playing on Xbox - its much worse.
It varies a lot game to game, I always had a good experience on L4D2 but I think that's because the gameplay forces cooperation & penalises non team players.
Titanfall & even CSGO (non-competitive) I found pretty good too, you'd normally get a GG at the end & ****-taking was more along the lines of blah-blah LOL rather than poisonous, racist etc
You can just mute silly people on Xbl chat though.
I had a great message once after playing Gears of War online, I had a fantastically angry voice message from a player who I'd lancer-chainsawed.
Try not to take it so seriously.

Plenty of comedians make jokes about diseases and bad situations that get laughed at.

True but you know where you stand with them. Its a joke but we both know the underlying seriousness of it. Xbox live and PSN are home to the worst of humanity and genuinely house some of the worst things I have ever heard anyone call another human being. I would be embarrassed and deeply ashamed if any child I brought up talked to someone like that
Whenever someone goes absolutely mental with me for whatever reason in an online game I ignore it all and then send them a Friend request, the angry Yanks usually can't handle that one at all, it's hilarious. :D
Whenever someone goes absolutely mental with me for whatever reason in an online game I ignore it all and then send them a Friend request, the angry Yanks usually can't handle that one at all, it's hilarious. :D

Do any of them accept? Yanks are ****in funny though, they accuse everyone of being a dick yet they are the biggest dicks themselves.
Do any of them accept? Yanks are ****in funny though, they accuse everyone of being a dick yet they are the biggest dicks themselves.

Some have accepted in the past but you just un-Friend them and then add them again until they work out you're just trolling them, I've not done it for ages as I stopped playing FPSs a while back, but it's like waving a very big red rag to an already very angry bull, they really can't handle the absurdity of someone they have been abusing sending them a Friend request. :p :cool:
Awesomenauts because it's quick and easy.

You only have to dip in to the general chat room (in-game) to see the issue first-hand. The devs do moderate but they can't be there 24/7.

Awesomenauts has taken a bit of a nose dive recently. It was much better last year but now I think the player base has really shrunk which is making the bad matchmaking system struggle even more. The imbalance of player skill coupled with character imbalances seems to cause some awful matches. tbh I don't really blame players for ragequiting any more. Every game entered now feels like a coin toss if your are going to have fun or not.

There used to be a bunch of us in work that would play it all the time, now there's 2 of us left that play maybe 1-2 times a week. Such a shame as it had so much potential.
I can never remember an instance of foul mouthed abuse back when I used to play games like Starcraft 1 or Tribes online.

These days it seems to be the norm. Pretty sad really.

After a year of CS:GO I decided to give up online gaming for a bit :D For the sake of my sanity.
It's pretty bad in counter strike, saw the whole lot earlier. One guy said he wanted to **** in my nans ashes then have them in his tea, classy
It has become much worse over the years, more so on consoles. I tend to just mute half the people I come across in every game so that I can actually hear whats going on, rather than it being drowned out by squeaky kids and the older hard men with one punch KO power.

It has however given me a lot of fun over the last year as I've started to have a bit of fun and have become somewhat of a troll towards these kinds of people.
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