Add World of Warcraft to that list.
I played it first time in 2005-9, so saw Vanilla, Burning Crusade and a bit of Lich King. I thought the community was great back then. PUGs enjoyed some banter while wiping, occasional ninja looter, and any friendly players usually got added to the buddy list. Guild banter on Teamspeak was a blast while clearing AQ40, Gruul's etc.
5 year break. Then I re-subbed summer 2014, same server same guild, to see the tail end of Mists and virtually NO Warlords due to queues even though I pre-ordered the damn thing. Groups now tend to be a silent Charlie Chaplin film, people send /invite without whispering first. Ninja looting a lot more common. I still managed to get my warlock to ilvl 542 before Warlords but it felt very much like a single player game to me.