online gaming on 512k broadband?

15 Feb 2006
hi all, i have never really done a lot of omline gaming apart from halo back in the day!

the thing i want to know is basically, with all these new high powered games, would i be able to play reasonably on my crappy 512 dsl? or will i just get fragged all the time by people that i cannot see? :(

what shooters do you all play as well? :)
i dont really no much about ping or how to check what mine is, could you tell me how to ping my connection?? if that is what you say!

i mainly wanna play doom, and farcry, and halo 3 if and when! :rolleyes:
i used to have 512 and somethimes had pings lower than 10, playing online games do not use a lot of bandwitch so why 512 wouldnt be enough?
i think more important is to have a quality connection rather that some broadband from cheap offers which can deliver some high pings,
Anything above above 128k or even 256k and your doing fine, when i had telewest cable at the very beguining of broadband, i used to get pings of 10 to servers in cs, still do, and I am on 10 meg connections now....
Youll be fine, hell i was fine back in the day on a 256k line. Only need to worry if your a ping time whore that wants as low a numbers a possible.
10 meg :eek: im limited through my crappy line... :mad:
cool, what about hosting games?? wont be able to do that i spose! i am on crappy aol. i had major problems with them over charging me for ages, i would have changed but they are giving me 6 months free :D !
how do i check my ping though? what prog? sorry for the noob question!
Even 256kbit should be enough for most online games - bandwidth isn't really the issue, it's latency which matters. The two ARE inter-related (despite what people will try and tell you), but only to a very small degree.

So basically 512kbit is fine, assuming your upload speed is reasonable as well.
keef said:
10 meg :eek: im limited through my crappy line... :mad:
cool, what about hosting games?? wont be able to do that i spose! i am on crappy aol. i had major problems with them over charging me for ages, i would have changed but they are giving me 6 months free :D !
how do i check my ping though? what prog? sorry for the noob question!

Most in-game score screens will have it next to or near your score, in MMO's there will often be a area for it on your screen someone, or it may be slightly more hidden. But's its game specific.
to get a ping outside of a game do the following:

1. Open command prompt, its in Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt

2. Type 'ping'

3. You will get 4 lines back containing information, you want the number after the heading 'Time' for your ping.

4. Close command prompt
tbh dont think you will notice any difference what so ever in any only game from 512, to 8mb, online gaming takes about 4kb of bandwidth up and down, as long as your not downloading there shuddnt be a problem at all.
Stellios said:
to get a ping outside of a game do the following:

1. Open command prompt, its in Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt

2. Type 'ping'

3. You will get 4 lines back containing information, you want the number after the heading 'Time' for your ping.

4. Close command prompt

Latency for Jolt is crap on a lot of ISPs at the moment due to routing through Level3/Telia via Frankfurt.

Try 'ping' and 'ping'
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