online gaming on 512k broadband?

i THINK that your upload speed is the only constrictiong factor. therefore why 8mb and 512kb lines will get similar pings, but your latency is the key, how close you are to the server etc. remember, your signals can only run as fast as light.

wooo. 666 posts :eek:
will be fine

i get 25-30 ping on my mum's 512kb connection when playing tfc, that goes through a router and a switch first too on my end!
Im not sure how it is with 2mb plus broadband, but as far as i know, 512k, 1MB, 2MB all have 256k up speed, which is the main factor in your ping anyway, since its so much lower than the down speed

Edit - missed post above, go me!
ping > Ping.txt

type that in notepad, save as, all files, then type ping.bat

run the batch file, and in the same folder as it ping.txt will hace everything you need
Im on 10Mb Telewest and still get the same pings as when I was on 512k, 1mb then 2mb.

As for what ping you are aiming for, its different in different games, some games are fine with a ping of about 150, others suck and lag at anything about 60ish.

Really I tend to make sure I play on servers with a max ping of about 60, but usually have a ping of about 10-40 in CSS, COD2, BF2 etc
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