Online Zombie Survival Game

2 Aug 2004
The moon

Urban Dead is an MMO Zombie Survival Horror game, along the same lines as Dawn of the Dead, where you have to survive in a City over run with Zombies, alongside other survivors. There are Police Stations, Fire Stations, Museums, Malls and other buildings to explore, and barricade yourself into. Band together with other survivors to form a functional band of merry men, and attempt to cleanse the city of the foul scourge.

However...If you fail to kill the Zombies, and wake up one day to find yourself dead, perhaps because you didn't barricade that door securely enough before you ran out of Action Points, or because you foolishly slept in the street, then join the rampaging horde of blood thirsty zombies, mindlessly hungering brains. Cursed for eternity to roam with like minded players, breaking into safehouses in search of your brain 'fix'. There is the possibility that a righteous player could revive you though...

- Start off as either 3 different types of Soldier, 3 types of Civilian, or 2 types of Scientist, or choose to start as a member of the Undead
- Play alongside thousands of other survivors and Zombies
- Try to survive by barricading yourself in buildings, looting malls for supplies, and fighting off the undead hordes as they numbly batter themselves against the walls of your safehouse.

Group Wiki Page

To join the group all you need to do is click on your name underneath the map (in the game window) and edit your profile to include "OcUK" in the group field.

Liste Officiale de members parlez le OcUK grand beignet
Very inaccurate as hard to keep track of members and their statuses.

Bubba Spoons (Stringy)
Mack Scope (sc(+)pe)
O'Neill SG1 (James Bond)
OcUK Mcbain (McBain)
OcUK Pickers (Pickers)
OcUK VaderDSL (VaderDSL)
OcUK Velocity
OcUK Wilf (Wilf)
OcUKSm0kin (Sm0kin)
ukgord (gord)
crakedlamp (b (thats it))
OcUKButtons (Buttons)
OcUK Spacky (Spacky)
OcUK Molinari (Molinari)
Sam Cat (samcat)
Exentia1 (Exentia)
Sam Palf (Siliconslave) - Zombie, unsure of loyalty :p
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The city is pretty darn large, so probably better to say where you are as well (should say at top of a map). If a large amount of people are interested we can arrange to meet somewhere (there is a map on the Wiki).
neil3k said:
im in houldenbank come find me im in the school and ive left the doors open.
I'm in Crooketon, on the other side of the city. Look up the map on to see. If you have an AP left, I'd recommend trying to find a barricaded building to hide in while you're not playing, or at least shut the doors of the School. Schools are very low-priority buildings for Zombies, so you might be alright, unlike Police Stations etc where players like to find ammunition and guns, so zombies like looking in them.
lol been playin for about 15 mins now, havnt managed to actually hit a zombie with my axe yet, though have beaten one with a crucifix

very strange game :)
Created "Zico" the consumer, but I have this feeling he's brain food. Took almost 25HP with no hit's on a single Zombie. I then ran around a little with no idea what I was doing until I ran out of HP in some junk yard (I think).

Will check back in 30 min's to see if he lives.
keep an eye out for me, Solac :D

This game actually sounds very good, now it makiking me wonder what a fully 3d MMO of this game would be like
Interesting.. I've just had my first run in with a zombie :) kept hitting nothing but air, so I ran away :D

I'm locked inside the Monks Arms in Grigg Heights.
Sid Deckard the Cop, Alice Deckard the Lab Assistant, and Ryan Deckard the Fireman are all out of AP and even IP access! Alice the Lab Assistant did best tagging the zombies.

Fun, if a little slow.
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