Online Zombie Survival Game

"Bubba Spoons", Cop with 21xp (w00t), capped my first Zombie earlier.

Holed up in an Auto Repair shop in Crooketon (far left) with Very Strong Barricades, so should be alright for tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to look into getting right across the city to Penny heights (from far west to far east) to meet up with some other players I know from another forum. Probably try to go via a Mall a few suburbs in from the one I'm currently in. Should be interesting.
My first go was short lived, now a Zombie in Havercroft.

Zico is Spracklingbank critically wounded and infected (has about 13HP left).
Zico 2 is in Williamsville, safe so far and hold up inside. Will try and get him to the far bottom left - New Arkham.

I suggest that if we make any more characters that we prefix them with OcUK at the front so we can try and group up. Shame we start in random zones though :(.
Now this sounds like fun :D

- Managed to have a search around, didn't really find a lot - didn't seem to be many Zombies about!

- Mcbain44
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Is there a map ?

Can Zombies get inside just 'Strongly Barricaded' ?! If they did I can't see them getting very far, there's about 50 of us holed up inside here :D

Started another character - OcUK Mcbain - he's a private.
I just signed up as a soldier named: O'Neill SG1. Im in Kinch Heights near Rather Library @

Edit: I did a quick search around and found serveral people aswell as a Flare gun and a Shotgun :). I have retreated to the strongly barricaded Glover Library with several other survivors. I still have around 20 action points left incase any unwelcome guests appear.

Edit2: The profiles of some of my fellow survivors :)
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I managed to rummage around a few areas and found a flak jacket, some shotgun shells and a baseball bat :D
The game is very good but my character can't hit the broad side of a barn door. Just waisted 4 pistol clips and most of the shots missed!.
love the way it gives you the option to jump out the window when in some buildings, jus tincase you cant take it anymore and have to commit suicide and become a zombie :D lol, "are you sure you want to jump out the window? this will kill you"
fell asleep somewhere, me and divine wind are trying to meet up in galbreith heights

i fell asleep on the way there :p lol
My main guy is holed up in Mckay police dept in Old Arkham at the moment!

Does anyone know where a Mall is ?
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