"Bubba Spoons", Cop with 21xp (w00t), capped my first Zombie earlier.
Holed up in an Auto Repair shop in Crooketon (far left) with Very Strong Barricades, so should be alright for tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to look into getting right across the city to Penny heights (from far west to far east) to meet up with some other players I know from another forum. Probably try to go via a Mall a few suburbs in from the one I'm currently in. Should be interesting.
Holed up in an Auto Repair shop in Crooketon (far left) with Very Strong Barricades, so should be alright for tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to look into getting right across the city to Penny heights (from far west to far east) to meet up with some other players I know from another forum. Probably try to go via a Mall a few suburbs in from the one I'm currently in. Should be interesting.