'Operation Trojan Horse' - jihadi plot to take over UK schools

22 Jun 2004
Deep England

An alleged plot to oust some Birmingham head teachers and make their schools adhere to more Islamic principles is being investigated, it has emerged.

A letter detailing the plan, known as "Operation Trojan Horse", claims responsibility for leadership changes at four schools.
The letter, which purports to outline "Operation Trojan Horse", has subsequently been sent to at least another 12 schools in the city - all believed to be vulnerable to takeover.

It states that parents could be encouraged to turn against the leadership team if they are told the school is "corrupting their children with sex education, teaching about homosexuals, making their children pray Christian prayers and [carrying out] mixed swimming and sport".

Sinister stuff (edit: if true)
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Posted about it in TI&M past couple of days. It is very real and very serious, not some hyped up media, DM story. My girlfriend works in one of the schools, I have the leaked plot statement next to me right now and it's scary as ****. Just hope the police and CTU sort these people out asap and it doesn't effect my girlfriends further career.
From the article linked:

BBC said:
It was sent to the city council in 2013 and has led to a number of investigations. Part of the inquiry will focus on whether the plot is genuine or fake.

So before getting all up in arms shouldn't we find out if it is even real first?
Sounds like the kind of tactics Scientologists use around the world in areas they want to take over.

But then it also sounds like something the BNP would make up....

I don't know which way to be outraged and get on my high horse. Please advise.
*Sigh* that didn't take long - a thread on a news story on the BBC News front page about possible jihadi threat to children's education in this country's inner city areas turns swiftly into "ban all religion, Christianity hate" thread. How predictably boring on this forum.
it'd be nice if kids could be taught stuff about religion AND anything but, in a non-objective way so they could make up their own minds tbh
*Sigh* that didn't take long - a thread on a news story on the BBC News front page about possible jihadi threat to children's education in this country's inner city areas turns swiftly into "ban all religion, Christianity hate" thread. How predictably boring on this forum.

Stop creating crap threads then :p
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