#OperationGetSexy - Gareth's log

WEDNESDAY 13th NOVEMBER 12:05 @ home

A GCB squats - 5 x 5 x 105kg
4 mins rest between sets - T-spine and ankle mobility between sets

B Deadlifts - 3 x 3 x 100kg
Decided to do a few reps to practice the movement ahead of a DL cycle starting next month

C1 Barbell reverse lunges, front squat grip - 3 x 8/side x 50kg
C2 Front planks - 3 x 45 secs
90 seconds rest between circuits

D1 Barbell glute bridges - 3 x 8 x 80kg
D2 Reverse crunches - 3 x 10
60 secs rest between circuits

There's something very eery about having two red kites circling directly above you while you're lying in your garden doing glute bridges... maybe they're more Rippetoe than Cressey.

DL form looks solid albeit at very light weight. Got some good lat activation going on. A little "butt wink" on the squats... need to keep hammering the hip mobs. Scott/Dom what's the latest magic drill to address this? My warm-up is currently:

Foam roll quads/TFL/adductors
Lacrosse ball glutes/plantars
Foam roller t-spine extensions
Glute bridges x 8
Dead bugs x 6/side
Adductor mobs x 6/side
"Bench" t-spine mobs x 8
Side-lying windmills x 5/side
Prying x 6
Back-to-wall shoulder flexion x 8
135 wall slides with shrug x 8
Walking spiderman with reach x 5/side
Wall ankle mobs x 10

Then on top of that I have lots of single leg work, some KB goblet squats and core strengthening/stability movements in my actual program.
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Yep, need to practice the bracing.

And yes, I have some PPT. Given that I work a desk job that is not surprising.
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All our bodies are different - one person that has awesome flexibility may still have deeper hip sockets meaning the femur isn't able to move any further, as such that causes the lower lumbar to tilt as it has no other choice when going very low. One person that isn't as flexible, may have a different hip structure allowing them to go deeper before tucking in.

Obviously the hip tuck can be minimised, but ultimately there is a genetic/biomechanical limit depending your body makeup.

It is important to minimise it though, as loading the lower lumbar region can lead to issues as you get closer to your limits.
I just realised that I'm probably teaching you to suck eggs! Sorry! :o


I used to have that mobility, just need to get it back. Scott is right though, there is a stability issue there as well. As a way of showing offdemonstration, here's my PR squat showing lovely spine position:

THURSDAY 14th NOVEMBER 12pm @ home

A Band-resisted broad jumps - 6 x 3 with purple band

B1 Push-ups - 3 x AMRAP - 21, 14, 10 (=45 vs 43 last week)
B2 Band pull-throughs - 3 x 10 with purple + mini bands
60 secs rest between circuits

C1 Jungle Gym rows - 3 x 10 - tried to do these feet elevated but was quickly humbled and reverted to feet on floor
C2 JG split squats (bodyweight) - 3 x 10/leg
90 secs rest between circuits

D1 JG fall-outs - 3 x 8
D2 Quad. ext.rot. - 3 x 8/side
60 secs rest between circuits

Weighed 15st 9lbs (99kg ish) on Saturday, so 2lbs lost last week. Played 60 minutes of a 39-20 win.

MONDAY 18TH NOVEMBER 2013 6pm @ home

A1 Military press - 2 x 5 x 57.5kg, 2 x 5 x 50kg
A2 KB goblet squat - 4 x 8 x 20kg
A3 Yoga plex - 3 x 5/side
2 mins rest between sets

B1 Jungle Gym row - 4 x 10
B2 Band-resisted push-ups with feet elevated - 4 x 10 with red band
B3 Band Pallof press - 4 x 8/side with purple band
90 secs rest between sets

C1 Half-kneeling band pull-down - 3 x 8/side with red+purple band
C2 Band face pulls - 3 x 15 with purple band
30 secs rest between sets
Nice steady weight loss :)

Are jungle gym rows TRX style rows?

Also, have you tried press ups onto a strong band suspended between two uprights? Absolutely brutal.
Yep, Jungle Gym is a TRX basically, but not made by the same people. I have the straps attached to two wall anchors and row with my feet together at the base of the wall. I'm gradually extending the strap length - I'm not quite horizontal at the bottom but I'm getting there!

Haven't tried push-ups like that, can't quite picture it... do you mean putting your hands on the band? I bet that would be horribly unstable.
Suspended rows are awesome.

Yeah I think you've got it. Imagine a green band looped around the red half rack, hands not too wide to make it more unstable. Absolutely lights up your external rotators and mid back.
Weighed 15st 7lbs today. Noice.

WEDNESDAY 20th NOVEMBER 5:30pm @ home

A Deadlift (conventional)
Top sets - 2 x 140kg, 1 x 160, 1 x 180 (belt for top two singles)
Going to start an 8-week DL cycle in 2 weeks, will use 180 as my 1RM. There's probably more there right now but not a huge amount and not without sacrificing form.

B1 Squats (high bar) - 3 x 3 x 85kg
B2 T-spine mobs - 3 x 10
Deload this week and I couldn't be bothered to get the GCB out. Easier to keep the core braced with a straight bar as you can pull down and activate the lats.

C1 Barbell reverse lunge (front squat grip) - 1 x 8/leg x 55kg, 2 x 8/leg x 50kg
C2 Front plank - 3 x 45 secs

D1 Barbell bridge - 4 x 8 x 85kg
D2 Reverse crunch - 4 x 10

Now to get some feeling back in my fingers - nearly got frostbite getting plates out and putting them away again.
In for gains out for frostbite, I thought I was bad enough that the gym chancing rooms had the aircon on full blast, sod training outside
In for gains out for frostbite, I thought I was bad enough that the gym chancing rooms had the aircon on full blast, sod training outside

I love training outside but this was the first session where carrying the plates made me not enjoy it so much. Need to buy some warm-ish but grippy gloves for doing the loading :)
THURSDAY 21st NOVEMBER 1pm @ home

A Band-resisted broad jumps - 8 x 3 with purple band

B1 Push-ups - 3 x 15
B2 Band pull-throughs - 3 x 10 with two purple bands
60 secs rest between circuits

C1 Jungle Gym rows - 4 x 8 - made big effort to not let shoulders internally rotate and to hold for half a second at top
C2 JG split squats (bodyweight) - 4 x 10/side
90 secs rest between circuits

D1 JG fall-outs - 3 x 8
D2 Quad. ext.-rot. - 3 x 8/side
60 secs rest between circuits
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