WEDNESDAY 13th NOVEMBER 12:05 @ home
A GCB squats - 5 x 5 x 105kg
4 mins rest between sets - T-spine and ankle mobility between sets
B Deadlifts - 3 x 3 x 100kg
Decided to do a few reps to practice the movement ahead of a DL cycle starting next month
C1 Barbell reverse lunges, front squat grip - 3 x 8/side x 50kg
C2 Front planks - 3 x 45 secs
90 seconds rest between circuits
D1 Barbell glute bridges - 3 x 8 x 80kg
D2 Reverse crunches - 3 x 10
60 secs rest between circuits
There's something very eery about having two red kites circling directly above you while you're lying in your garden doing glute bridges... maybe they're more Rippetoe than Cressey.
DL form looks solid albeit at very light weight. Got some good lat activation going on. A little "butt wink" on the squats... need to keep hammering the hip mobs. Scott/Dom what's the latest magic drill to address this? My warm-up is currently:
Foam roll quads/TFL/adductors
Lacrosse ball glutes/plantars
Foam roller t-spine extensions
Glute bridges x 8
Dead bugs x 6/side
Adductor mobs x 6/side
"Bench" t-spine mobs x 8
Side-lying windmills x 5/side
Prying x 6
Back-to-wall shoulder flexion x 8
135 wall slides with shrug x 8
Walking spiderman with reach x 5/side
Wall ankle mobs x 10
Then on top of that I have lots of single leg work, some KB goblet squats and core strengthening/stability movements in my actual program.
A GCB squats - 5 x 5 x 105kg
4 mins rest between sets - T-spine and ankle mobility between sets
B Deadlifts - 3 x 3 x 100kg
Decided to do a few reps to practice the movement ahead of a DL cycle starting next month
C1 Barbell reverse lunges, front squat grip - 3 x 8/side x 50kg
C2 Front planks - 3 x 45 secs
90 seconds rest between circuits
D1 Barbell glute bridges - 3 x 8 x 80kg
D2 Reverse crunches - 3 x 10
60 secs rest between circuits
There's something very eery about having two red kites circling directly above you while you're lying in your garden doing glute bridges... maybe they're more Rippetoe than Cressey.
DL form looks solid albeit at very light weight. Got some good lat activation going on. A little "butt wink" on the squats... need to keep hammering the hip mobs. Scott/Dom what's the latest magic drill to address this? My warm-up is currently:
Foam roll quads/TFL/adductors
Lacrosse ball glutes/plantars
Foam roller t-spine extensions
Glute bridges x 8
Dead bugs x 6/side
Adductor mobs x 6/side
"Bench" t-spine mobs x 8
Side-lying windmills x 5/side
Prying x 6
Back-to-wall shoulder flexion x 8
135 wall slides with shrug x 8
Walking spiderman with reach x 5/side
Wall ankle mobs x 10
Then on top of that I have lots of single leg work, some KB goblet squats and core strengthening/stability movements in my actual program.
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