#OperationGetSexy - Gareth's log

One more week of this program, then time to switch up exercises. Next 4 weeks:

Moving lower body to Monday as I want to do some light squats as well as deadlifts on different days, so want maximum recovery between

A1 Deadlifts - first 4 weeks of 8-week cycle, alternating between heavy doubles and singles at 80%+
A2 T-spine mobs

B1 KB goblet split squats
B2 JG rows
B3 Band Palloff press

C1 KB swings
C2 Front plank

A1 Floor press
A2 KB goblet squat with pause
A3 Hip mobs

B1 Split-stance 2-point KB row
B2 JG push-ups
B3 JG fall-outs

C1 JG shoulder finisher a la Ben Bruno - 10 each of reverse flyes, external rotations and face pulls
C2 Overhead shrugs

A Front squats - lightish, for triples and doubles, focus on speed and technique

B1 Push-ups - 3 sets of AMRAP again
B2 Valslide hamstring curls

C1 JG rows
C2 KB goblet walking lunge

D1 1-arm band row (standing)
D2 T-spine mobs
Oops, stopped training pretty soon after the previous post in here. Diet went to ****, rugby kept most of the weight off and then the summer was glorious in terms of weight gain. Got up to 16st 12!

I started the Velocity Diet (nothing but protein shakes except for one healthy solid meal a week) 3 1/2 weeks ago. I'm now in week 4 and have four full days to go before I go into the transition phase (one week of one solid meal/day and one week of two solid meals/day). As of Monday (day 22) I was 15st 11, so the weight's coming off quickly.

I've been lifting twice a week. Intend to kick it up to three times but it hasn't happened yet. I am super weak.

I'm currently on a sabbatical from rugby while I drop this weight. I want to drop to 13st at least, and don't intend to start playing again until I hit 14st.

Last few sessions (all at home):

Sunday 12th October

Fat gripz bench press
4 x 6 - 2x60, 2x65kg
Love the fat gripz, helps shoulders and elbows. So weak though!

4 x 8 - 60, 70, 2x75kg

Jungle Gym inverted rows
6 x 6 - done between sets of BP and RDL

Jungle Gym face pulls
2 x 10 - done between sets of RDLs

Tuesday 14th October

A1 Bulgarian split squats w/ KB in goblet position - all with 16kg KB
1 x 6/side, 3 x 8/side
A2 Plank - 3 x 30 secs
90 secs rest between A2 and A1

B1 Jungle Gym push-ups - 3 x 8
B2 KB swings - 3 x 10 x 20kg
60 secs rest between B2 and B1

C Jungle Gym 3-way shoulder finisher
2 rounds of:
6 x reverse flyes
6 x external rotations
6 x face pulls

Sunday 19th October

Trap bar deadlift - high handles
3 x 5 x 140kg

Trap bar RDL
8 x 75, 80, 85kg

Jungle gym superset: push-ups and inverted rows, 3 x 8 each

Jungle gym 3-way shoulder finisher - 2 x 6/6/6

Wednesday 22nd October

A1 Fat gripz bench press
2 x 6 x 65kg, 2 x 6 x 70kg

A2 Jungle Gym rows with 1 second hold-and-squeeze at top
4 x 6

B1 Jungle Gym split squat
4 x 8/side wearing 20kg weight vest

B2 Jungle Gym rows with shorter straps (slightly easier than A2)
4 x 6

C1 Band Pallof press
3 x 8/side with one red band

C2 Jungle Gym 3-way shoulder finisher
2 x 6/6/6
Nice to have you back. :)

And I dream of being 16st... :o :D

I dream of being as lean as you :)


Final day of the Velocity Diet liquid-only phase \o/
Weighed in today at 219.0 dead-on, so that's an even 17lbs lost in 28 days. Decent work I'd say. Waist was about 42" yesterday. Probably a fair bet that it was about 44" at the start, but that's a guess.

Next goals: complete the Velocity Diet transition phase (two weeks); lose at least 10lbs by end of November (35 days - 2 lbs/week) to get under 15 stone

Training Sunday 26th October @ home

A1 Front squat - 4 x 3 x 80kg*
A2 Jungle Gym push-ups - 3 x 8

B1 Jungle Gym inverted rows - 3 x 10
B2 Barbell supine bridge - 8 x 70kg, 2 x 8 x 60kg

C1 Barbell roll-outs - 2 x 8
C2 Jungle Gym face-pulls 2 x 10

* I'm going to give Mike Robertson's simple front squat cycle a go:
Week 1: 4×3@70%, 3 minutes rest between sets
Week 2: 5×3@80%, 4 minutes rest between sets
Week 3: 2×3@75%, 3 minutes rest
Week 4: 3×3@85%, 4-5 minutes rest
Weighed at 219lbs again today, so no change from the weekend. That's reassuring given that I've been eating solid food again every day.

Training Weds 29th October @ home

Horrible weather today - rain, wind, cold - so I did a quick session with minimal equipment.

A1 KB goblet squat - 5 x 10 x 24kg
A2 KB swing - 5 x 10 x 24kg
1 min rest between sets

B1 Jungle Gym inverted rows - 4 x 8
B2 Jungle Gym push-ups - 4 x 8
1 min rest between sets
Still 219lbs yesterday but half an inch off the waist.

Training today @ home - upper body

A1 Fat gripz bench press 4 x 6 x 70kg
A2 Jungle Gym inverted rows 4 x 8

B1 Overhead press 3 x 8 x 40kg
B2 JG face pulls 3 x 10
B3 Band Pallof press 3 x 8/side with 2 red bands
Training today @ home - lower body

A Front squats - 5 x 3 x 90kg

B RDLs - 4 x 8 x 80kg

C1 Barbell bridge - 3 x 8 x 60kg
C2 Barbell roll-outs - 3 x 6
Heh. It didn't feel like that much of a beasting. Fronties were tough but had some reps in the tank, RDLs were light enough to be able to concentrate on speed and hip-snap, glute bridge felt solid. I wimped out of some split squats! Next time...
Hamstrings still sore from Sunday.

Thurs 6th November training @ home - upper body

A1 Fat grip bench press clusters* - 3 x (3x2) x 75kg
A2 JG inverted rows with squeeze at top - 3 x 8
*each set was 2 reps, rack bar, count to 15, 2 more reps, rack bar, count to 15, 2 reps, hence 3 x (3x2)

B1 FG overhead press - 3 x 8 x 42.5kg
B2 JG face pulls with external rotation - 3 x 10
B3 Band Pallof press - 3 x 8/side with 2 red bands
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Training Fri 7th Nov @ home

Deload on the front squat cycle this week - couldn't be bothered to get the squat stands out so I did some goblet squats instead.

A1 RDLs - 4 x 8 x 90kg
A2 Goblet squats - 4 x 10 x 24kg

B1 Barbell Bridge - 3 x 8 x 65kg
B2 Barbell roll-outs - 3 x 6
My cardio conditioning is terrible. I do want to go back to rugby eventually too, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone and have started Couch-to-5K. This way I can get my aerobic fitness up by the New Year and can hopefully get a bit more out of some anaerobic training.

Couch-to-5K week 1 day 1
Warm-up: 5mn walk
Intervals (6): 1mn run / 1:30mn walk
Cool-down: 5mn walk
Distance covered: 1.9mi
Yesterday's running:

Couch-to-5K week 1 day 2
Warm-up: 5mn walk
Intervals (8): 1mn run / 1:30mn walk
Cool-down: 5mn walk
Distance covered: 2.3mi

KB/Jungle Gym stuff tonight. Proper lifting at the weekend.
Training Thurs 13th Nov @ home

A1 KB goblet squat
A2 KB swing
Both 4 x 10 x 24kg, 1 min rest

B Plank 3 x 45 secs

C1 JG rows 3 x 8
C2 JG push up 3 x 10
Couch-to-5K week 1 day 3
Warm-up: 5mn walk
Intervals (8): 1mn run / 1:30mn walk
Cool-down: 5mn walk
Distance covered: 2.2mi
Avg HR: 140bpm
Max HR: 184bpm
Training Sat 15th Nov @ home - upper

A1 Bench press clusters - 2 x (4 x 2) x 75kg, 1 x (4 x 2) x 70kg
A2 JG inverted rows - 3 x 8

B1 OH press - 2 x 8 x 40kg, 1 x 6 x 40kg (failed 7th rep)
B2 BO row - 3 x 8 x 40kg

C1 Band Pallof press - 2 x 8/side
C2 JG shoulder finisher - 3 x 5/5/5
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