One more week of this program, then time to switch up exercises. Next 4 weeks:
Moving lower body to Monday as I want to do some light squats as well as deadlifts on different days, so want maximum recovery between
A1 Deadlifts - first 4 weeks of 8-week cycle, alternating between heavy doubles and singles at 80%+
A2 T-spine mobs
B1 KB goblet split squats
B2 JG rows
B3 Band Palloff press
C1 KB swings
C2 Front plank
A1 Floor press
A2 KB goblet squat with pause
A3 Hip mobs
B1 Split-stance 2-point KB row
B2 JG push-ups
B3 JG fall-outs
C1 JG shoulder finisher a la Ben Bruno - 10 each of reverse flyes, external rotations and face pulls
C2 Overhead shrugs
A Front squats - lightish, for triples and doubles, focus on speed and technique
B1 Push-ups - 3 sets of AMRAP again
B2 Valslide hamstring curls
C1 JG rows
C2 KB goblet walking lunge
D1 1-arm band row (standing)
D2 T-spine mobs
Moving lower body to Monday as I want to do some light squats as well as deadlifts on different days, so want maximum recovery between
A1 Deadlifts - first 4 weeks of 8-week cycle, alternating between heavy doubles and singles at 80%+
A2 T-spine mobs
B1 KB goblet split squats
B2 JG rows
B3 Band Palloff press
C1 KB swings
C2 Front plank
A1 Floor press
A2 KB goblet squat with pause
A3 Hip mobs
B1 Split-stance 2-point KB row
B2 JG push-ups
B3 JG fall-outs
C1 JG shoulder finisher a la Ben Bruno - 10 each of reverse flyes, external rotations and face pulls
C2 Overhead shrugs
A Front squats - lightish, for triples and doubles, focus on speed and technique
B1 Push-ups - 3 sets of AMRAP again
B2 Valslide hamstring curls
C1 JG rows
C2 KB goblet walking lunge
D1 1-arm band row (standing)
D2 T-spine mobs