#OperationGetSexy - Gareth's log

Deadlift numbers are looking nice... :cool:

Yep going in the right direction. Toying with a few options for next 4 weeks (I will de-load next week):
1. do another 4 weeks of trap bar DL off the high handles
2. 4 more weeks of trap bar DL but switch to low handles
3. switch to sumo DL and run the 4-week cycle I did before my last PL meet, with the goal to have a crack at a 1RM in about 6-7 weeks

Will probably stick to #1 for the moment (and then do #2 next) but the idea of #3 is fun :)
Ross Enamait's "Magic 50"
5 rounds with 1 minute rest of:
5 KB snatches per side with 16kg
5 KB swings per side with 20kg
10 burpees

Pretty easy. The burpees got my quads burning and I was breathing quite hard but this was way easier than the Evil 8. I took my HR the old-fashioned way (counted for 10 seconds and multipled by 6) after the final set and I was only in the 170s, 180 max. I'll try this again next week and either add weight or reduce rest (or both).
Training Fri 6th Feb

A: Chin-ups
Done from barbell in highest setting of squat stands. Just about tolerable!
2 x 4 x BW

B1: Bench press
5/3/1 deload
5 x 60kg
5 x 70
5 x 80

B2: Bulgarian split squat
3 x 8/leg with 20kg weighted vest

C1: Barbell row from rack
4 x 8 x 52.5kg

C2: KB swing
3 x 15 x 24kg

Bish bash bosh.
Abingdon Parkrun 5km
Watch time 27:05 - 8:39 mins/mile average
Official time TBC

Mile splits (Strava):

My Garmin said new fastest mile time at the end with 8:22 - this also shows on Strava as a "best estimated 1 mile", so not sure what that's about. Strava also says I have a best estimated 5K at 26:52 but that can't be right as I started and stopped my watch at the stat/finish lines. Either Strava has got its GPS calculations wrong (most likely) or I ran a bit of extra distance somehow.

Also PBs for:
1K (4:52)
1/2 mile (3:50)

Pleased with this. First mile was brisk and would have been quicker but I got stuck behind a couple of slower runners on the narrow river trail for a minute or two. I suffered a bit between the 2km and 3km markers, then consciously backed off a bit between 3km and 4km to get my legs and lungs back under control. I upped the pace from the 4km marker and finished very strongly, including a flat-out sprint over the last 150m or so.

Here's my Strava pace graph - you can see where I got stuck behind the slower runners around 0.5 miles, where I backed off around 2.5 miles and then my strong finish:

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Training Sun 8th Feb

A1: Safety bar squat
4 x 5 x 90kg

A2: Jungle Gym rows
4 x 10

B1: KB snatch
6/arm x 16kg
2 x 6/arm x 24kg
6/arm x 16kg

B2: Jungle Gym push-ups
3 x 10
Training run
4.15 miles in 39:39 (9:33 mins/mile)


Average HR 175bpm

A bit meh. I ran almost the same route as last Tuesday but with a bit extra - I thought the extra would have given me an extra half mile but it turned out pretty much exactly the same distance. My calves felt tight throughout and I had a bit of indigestion, so it was a slow one. Still, more miles under the belt, and my HR didn't go above 180 throughout.
I feel pleased with it until I read things like the running thread here where there are guys doing 20 minute 5Ks/sub-45 minute 10Ks etc :)

Weight 14 stone 9 today

Was chatting to a bro yesterday who is not a bro, who was talking of doing the Edinburgh Marathon in under 3hrs "this time around," so I know that feeling. :o
Training Weds 11th Feb

Usually this is the deadlift session, but it's deload week on 5/3/1 and I couldn't be bothered to get the trap bar out for relatively light weights. Instead...

A1: KB swings
4 x 15 x 24kg

A2: Jungle Gym rows
4 x 8

B1: KB snatch
2 x 6/arm x 16kg

B2: More JG rows
2 x 8 with straps shortened slightly

C1: KB press
3 x 12/arm x 16kg

C2: Goblet squat
3 x 8 x 24kg
Training Friday 13th Feb

Raining on and off throughout this, though thankfully it stayed dry until I had done my top set of bench. Got pretty wet.

A: Bench press
5/3/1 week 1
5 x 60kg
5 x 75
10 x 85

Did 8 x 82.5 & 8 x 87.5 last cycle. I set-up a bit differently today so that my eyes were more under the bar in the racks (previously my head has been further back) to avoid banging the bar into the racks mid-set. The downside to this was that it was harder to unrack the bar. I may have to try a lower hook height; if that doesn't work I may have to go back to my previous method and accept that I might clang into the racks every now and then.

B1: Bulgarian split squats
3 x 8/leg x 25kg
(20kg vest + 5kg plate)

B2: Close grip bench press
3 x 12 x 60kg

C1: Barbell rack row
8 x 55kg
2 x 8 x 50

C2: KB snatch
2 x 10/arm x 16kg
Went 5/5/5/5 each set. Started a third set but the KB was getting too wet and I almost threw it into my face on the third rep :cool:
Abingdon Parkrun 5km
Watch time 28:26 (9:04 mins/mile)

Splits: 8:51, 9:02, 9:34

Avg HR 176 bpm
Max HR 188 bpm

We had a lot of rain yesterday and overnight and most of the course was either really slippery or outright boggy - I'd say at best 1/3 of each of the 2 laps was on firm ground, but even that's optimistic. I'm pleased with my time therefore - I spent a lot of time trying not to lose my footing or running through puddles. I was also struck by how fatiguing mud can be - not just the running through it part, but how when you start to slide your quads have to work to keep you upright. One of the most frustrating parts was on a stretch that was merely slightly slippery, but it came just after the boggiest part. My shoes were so caked in mud that I couldn't get any traction at all and found myself sliding sideways across the path.
Training Sun 15th Feb

A: SB squat
5 x 5 x 100kg - belted

B1: JG rows
3 x 10

B2: Band-resisted push-ups
3 x 10 with red band

C: Band-resisted KB swings
4 x 10 x 24kg against red band

Earlier, my wife started couch to 5K today so the dog and I joined her in running around the park (6 x 1 min run/90 sec walk).
Good work! Nice to have the missus involved... now to get her lifting! :D

Been there, tried that! Don't think it's going to stick... if she keeps running I'll make her do some planks and KB swings at the least to help her not get injured.


Weight 14 stone 9
Waist (around widest part of belly) 38"

That's compared to 16 stone 12 and 44" at end of September.

Training run
5 miles in 45:31 (9:04 mins/mile)

Splits: 9:01, 9:13, 9:04, 9:05, 8:55

Avg HR 171 bpm
Max HR 181 bpm

Mileage up, average HR and pace down. Sexytimes.

Felt pretty solid throughout, was able to push the pace just a little on the last mile. Couldn't have run much further at that pace.
Training Weds 18th Feb

A: Trap bar deadlift - low handles
5/3/1 week 1
5 x 115kg
5 x 135
5 x 155 (belted)
Probably had 1-2 more at least but wasn't feeling it today so I left it at 5 rather than go AMRAP. First time on the low handles - the extra ROM feels pretty noticeable.

B: Military press
5/3/1 week 1
5 x 40kg
5 x 45
9 x 50kg
I suck overhead; decided to bring barbell pressing back in as my shoulder mobility has been feeling decent lately.

C1: Jungle Gym row
3 x 10

C2: KB snatch
3 x 5/side

Short & sweet today.
Yes. You are clearly a weak Suvvern flower with that 50*9 strict. ;) :D

Not sure if serious. I consider it to be sucky, at least, probably because I also post on a forum where the standard overhead is 80kg at least, and there's plenty who can do 100+.

Missed training session on Friday as I was at a conference all day and didn't get home until late, by which time I was exhausted. Then decided to take the day off from running yesterday to give me a "deload" of sorts. I'll aim for a 4 mile run on Tuesday to start building back up - I want to hit 7-8 miles within 8 weeks (I have 11 weeks until the 10k).

Training Sun 22nd Feb

In the ****ing rain... bench 5/3/1 + squat deload

A: Bench press
5/3/1 week 2
3 x 70kg
3 x 80
10 x 90
Got my set-up spot-on at last by lowering the hooks one notch and getting my wife to give me a hand-off. She's small and not very strong so she had to do it zercher-style but it worked a treat. I did 5 x 90 (and couldn't have done any more) 3 weeks ago.

B1: Paused bench press
3 x 3 x 80kg

B2: Band-resisted KB swings
3 x 15 x 24kg with red band

C1: High bar back squat
Couldn't be bothered to get the SSB out as this was a deload session.
3 x 3 x 80kg

C2: JG rows
3 x 8
Awesome stuff getting the missus involved! :D

Regarding pressing, I think most people - without concerted effort - get to around 50kg for a number of reps and I don't think it is 'weak' as it is a horribly compromised lift.

So Good work! :)
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