#OperationGetSexy - Gareth's log

Training run
4.2 miles in 38:28 (9:14 mins/mile)

Splits: 8:31, 9:04, 9:37, 9:34

Average HR 178 bpm, max 184

Started well with a brisk first mile, but I started to tire from around 1.8 miles and I just couldn't get my rhythm back at sub-9 min mile pace. There was a bit of a stiff wind in places and my legs felt quite tired. Just an off-day I suppose.
Training 25th Feb

Quite mild today - walked the dog this afternoon and didn't wear a coat! Anyway, training outside was not too unpleasant and as I sit here in my post-training sweat fog I actually feel quite hot.

A: Trap bar deadlift - low handles
5/3/1 week 2
3 x 125kg
3 x 145
6 x 162.5 (belted)
Did 8 x 162.5 on the high handles 4 weeks ago. Good progression I guess.

B: OH press
5/3/1 week 2
3 x 42.5kg
3 x 47.5
7 x 55

C1: Jungle Gym rows
3 x 10

C2: KB snatch
3 x 8/side x 16kg
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I notice you aren't pushing your squat to the same degree, however...?

I'm doing a different type of training for my squat (modified 5x5) vs my deadlift (5/3/1 with AMRAP sets). Plus, I've only been doing front squats and safety bar squats. Both factors mean lower loads used. 5/3/1 also means that you're increasing load more significantly throughout the 4-week mini-cycle so it gives the impression of being aggressive with the weight, whereas the 5x5 program has more modest changes.

I've been thinking about trying some high bar back squats for a cycle or two in the near-future, but I think I'm going to go back to front squats next. I'd love to low bar squat again in the future, but I tried it for just 2 reps on Sunday with 80kg and my shoulders nearly popped up from the pressure.
Training run
2.1 miles in 17:43 (8:28 mins/mile)

Splits: 8:46, 8:16

Avg HR 170, max 184

This was supposed to be an easy run but I ended up pushing myself most of the way and got my fastest mile (8:16) and fastest 2 miles (17:02). I'm pretty sure I could have pushed harder/longer, so it's something to bear in mind next time I have a crack at a 5k (Saturday, perhaps).
Training Fri 27th Feb

A: Bench press
5/3/1 week 3
5 x 75kg
3 x 85
4 x 95
Set-up didn't feel quite as good and I had to reach back and press more than last week to unrack the bar. As a result I didn't feel completely stable. On the 3rd rep I felt my back twinge, and again on the 4th, so I stopped there. I had 2-3 more reps of pressing left, easily. C'est la vie.

B1: Bulgarian split squats
3 x 8/leg x 30kg (weight vest + holding 10kg plate)

B2: Close grip bench press
3 x 10 x 70kg
I had planned to do some singles ~90kg but after the back twinge I thought it safer to go for higher reps without arching my back much.

C1: Chin-ups
3 x 5 x bw - strict!

C2: KB swings with band
3 x 10 x 24kg with red band
Nice and easy on these today.
5K training run
Balls to the wall!

5km (3.12 miles) in 25:43 (8:12 mins/mile)

Splits: 7:57, 8:26, 8:11

Average HR 181, max HR 191

Fastest 5K, fastest mile (7:57), fastest 2 miles (16:23).

Right, so that's my year's goal of sub-26 mins for a 5K done. What next?
Training run
4.5 miles in 42:48 (9:36 mins/mile)

Splits: 9:14, 9:33, 9:55, 9:43

Avg HR 163 <-- building that aerobic base
Max HR 171

Kept it pretty relaxed today - had to actively slow down during the first mile but then had the opposite problem later on. I foam-rolled beforehand and will need to do some more of that later as my knees are feeling a little sore post-run (although they were fine during).
Training Weds 4th March

A: Trap bar deadlift - low handles
5/3/1 week 3
5 x 135kg
3 x 155
1 x 175 - belt
1 x 195 - belt
Wasn't feeling in the mood for repping out so I did the prescribed single and then went really heavy for another one. I'd say my trap bar 1RM is around 200-205kg right now, possibly more if I wasn't doing so much running...

B: OH press
5/3/1 week 3
5 x 45kg
3 x 50
4 x 57.5

C1: Jungle Gym rows
3 x 10

C2: KB snatches
2 x 8/side x 16kg
Abingdon Parkrun 5km
Watch time: 25:27 (8:04 mins/mile)*
*25:27 over 5km is 8:11 mins/mile - my Garmin says I ran more like 3.16 miles (5K is 3.11ish) and Strava 3.2 miles, which must be where the inflated pace comes from. Both Garmin and Strava say I ran 5K in 25:06, which is quite a discrepancy from my actual course time.

Splits: 7:53, 8:16, 8:16

Avg HR 180, max HR 194

So about 16 seconds faster than last Saturday's run. The course was perfect under foot this week but there was a not inconsiderable headwind on about 1km of each lap. I'm pretty sure I could have gone sub-25 in perfect conditions.

This week I've pulled more than 400lbs/more than double bodyweight and run a sub-25:30 5K. Not bad going I'd say.
Training Sun 8th March

A: Safety bar squat
Week 4 of Robertson Modified 5x5
3 x 5 x 115kg (belted)

B1: Bench press
5/3/1 deload
5 x 60kg
5 x 70
5 x 75
5 x 70

B2: Jungle Gym rows
Longer straps than normal (i.e. more difficult)
4 x 6

C1: More JG rows
Straps shorter than normal
3 x 10

C2: KB swings
3 x 10 x 24kg
14 stone 5 today

Training run
5.0 miles in 47:00 (9:19 mins/mile)

Splits: 9:23, 9:24, 9:17, 9:37, 8:57

Avg HR 173, max HR 184

I did a slightly different route than what I've been doing on the last few Tuesdays and ran twice round a ~2.5 mile circuit around the local roads and park. My "side shin-calfy-bits" (technical term) felt quite tight all the way around (as they have for the last few days) and this definitely slowed me down. There were also more inclines than usual. But still, I am pleased with this. I'm gradually able to run for longer and feel fairly relaxed, and I'm getting better at pushing through it when my legs start complaining of being tired.

Side note: it's about 12 degree and sunny here, with no wind. I ran in t-shirt and shorts for the first time in years, and it was glorious. I will probably be sunburned tomorrow #ginger :lol:
14 stone 4 today

Training run
3.12 miles (5km) in 24:55 (7:58 mins/mile)

Splits: 7:41, 8:14, 8:08

Avg HR 178, max 189

Ran hard: legs burning, lungs straining, sweat stinging my eyes. Getting to the point where I have to enter the pain zone to hit new speed PBs! This was the same route I ran 13 days ago - today my average HR was lower and I was 40 seconds faster. New PBs for 5K (& first time sub-25), 1 mile (7:41) and 2 miles (sub-16 mins). I'm going to have a beer tonight!
Training Sat 14th March

A: Bench press
5/3/1 week 1
5 x 67.5kg
5 x 77.5
11 x 87.5 - got 10 x 85 & 10 x 90 last cycle, probably could have got a 12th here but my arch was gone
2 x 5 x 82.5

B: Chin-ups
6, 6, 5, 4 (might have been 5 on last set, don't remember)

C1: Barbell bridge
3 x 8 x 70kg

C2: Barbell roll-outs
3 x 6
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