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Opteron 146 clock results

the only difference there was with the higher volts was that the temps went higher on the cpu.

i did another test now by reducing the multiplier and upping the htt, i tried 300x9 to give me 2.7ghz and it was indeed unstable.

looks like i have maxed out my htt speed at 292mhz.

question is this: 292htt, is this the boards limit or the cpu's limit?
hmm, iv had a lot of people tell me that the cpu i have could give some very nice results under the right board.

my gfx card is comming next week so i will be fully up and running with pci-e power. then i will think about this board. the dfi expert board seems to be the best one to go for but im going to have to wait till its price drops down a lot.
i would never bother with an sli or crossfire setup since i don't like the waste there is, such as is 2 cards have 512mb memory each then its not seen as 1gig since each card needs to keep a copy of the textures etc locally and its not a 100% boost in speed either.

got my x1900xt comming next week so that s gonna be interesting. im probably gonna go for the dfi ultra since i hear it has a 4 phase power supply for even tighter voltage regulation and its probably the best board going for socket 939 currently.

then again more boards are being released based on newer chipsets so its best i wait it out till the end of the year and see how things evolve.
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