Orange, Pipex, Eclipse Internet, which one?

9 May 2005
jollygreengiant said:
I was on Pipex - they were great until they started limiting all p2p stuff.

Completely sucked - even using encryption didn't solve the problem entirely because you have to rely on the other folk using encrypton too or you don't get full speeds.

Pipex may have the hoff but they still blow chunks :mad:

This was never a problem for me at all. I admit I don't use bittorrent any more, but I only stopped 3 weeks ago and up untill that point I never had any problems with speed.

Besides isn't the p2p limiting only during peak time?
14 May 2006
Do not go Eclipse.. Im having big problems with them atm ever since I changed to their 8meg service I get random discons which take my line out of action for 2-3 mins at a time but Eclipses tech staff refuse to accept the issue is on their end despite.

1. the issues starting the exact same day I moved service.

2. Nothing having changed with my hardware when I moved service.

3. The problems continuing despite me now having a 100% new system including modem.

and on top of that they require a 30 day notice period in order to end their service.. very unpleasent. :(
12 Jun 2005
z0mbi3 said:
All you need to do is enable transport encryption in your bittorent client.

You shouldn't have any speed issues off-peak anyway.

I had speed issues peak and off peak, regardless of whether or not I was using p2p. I complained many times, they denied putting a cap on my speeds so in the end I left them. Crap customer service, liars and a rip off at that time because it cost me £33 a month for a very poor level of service.

Now with Nildram, no port throttling yet... but like you said, it's only a matter of time before all ISPs introduce a similar scheme. I download during the night as well. :)
9 May 2005
Linoge said:
I had speed issues peak and off peak, regardless of whether or not I was using p2p. I complained many times, they denied putting a cap on my speeds so in the end I left them. Crap customer service, liars and a rip off at that time because it cost me £33 a month for a very poor level of service.

Heh. Well we've both obviously had different experiences. Mine's been very good. Much better than the crap I put up with from BT.
1 Jun 2006
If you don't mind NOT doing filesharing between 6-11pm - then Tiscali are okay. (They DO throttle between those times but DO NOT the rest of the day).

I have 2 broadband account (home + home office) and I use Tiscali for the home office one. Stable connection (not at first but it has been good for past 2 months) and as long as I flie share outside those hours - I get max speeds.

Not saying Tiscali will be everyon'e cup of tea but just something else to bear in mind..
9 May 2005
jbloggs said:
Yes I have read the original post, I would not use any of the three listed, so I gave an alternative suggestion.

Not to fuel the fire, and obviosuly I'm assuming he wasn't asking for other ISP suggestions in the other bit, but first post clearly said:

no recommendations, only the 3 choices ive named
But then what does it really matter anyway.
29 Oct 2004
Drake said:
Do not go Eclipse.. Im having big problems with them atm ever since I changed to their 8meg service I get random discons which take my line out of action for 2-3 mins at a time but Eclipses tech staff refuse to accept the issue is on their end despite.

1. the issues starting the exact same day I moved service.

2. Nothing having changed with my hardware when I moved service.

3. The problems continuing despite me now having a 100% new system including modem.

and on top of that they require a 30 day notice period in order to end their service.. very unpleasent. :(

It isn't a problem at their end, it's likely to be a problem with the BT part.

Email Eclispe Tech Support and ask them to turn on Interleaving + Boost your SNR slightly.

Also check your filters/extension cabling.
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