OrbusVR MMO Open Alpha Test: 28th-30th July

Will definitely give this a go :) Hopefully we won't be able to team kill each other while doing quests :)

In Rec room quests I can't hit monsters to save my life, but my aim gets very accurate when I decide to shoot team mates :p:D
Just nudging this up to remind people the open alpha is live on Friday for the weekend. I'll be in there on Friday and (assuming I like it) Sunday - a prior commitment will keep me away on Saturday :(

Could be an excellent opportunity for everyone on here with a headset to jump in for some social hacking and slashing of defenceless wildlife, all in the noble pursuit of levelling up :)

The combat of OrbusVR has been designed from the beginning to take advantage of room-scale VR. That means instead of just mashing buttons on an ability bar, you actually have to hone your physical skill to become more effective at combat.

For example, there's no tab-targetting for Rangers, who have to actually aim and hit targets with their bow. And for the Runemage, your ablity to cast spells is determined by how quickly and precisely you can draw the ancient symbols of runespeak. Whether you're looking for an up-close-and-personal, physically demanding melee role, or a more planned-out approach to combat via the musketeer's orbs, you'll find that combat in OrbusVR is unlike any other MMO you've ever played.

Just make sure no one is watching you :p
That sounds amazing until FlukeRogi starts shooting arrows at you!! Panic :) god knows what spell you will end up with :D

The concern is that if one spell is particularly useful, you're just going to constantly be drawing it, using it, drawing it, using it forever. Hopefully they've designed it so you have to use them in variation.

That and getting shot in the back by Fluke of course
Nice, Id watched the short trail and just assumed. Looking forward to it then, the social thing is the one thing I've have limited experience so far.
the social thing is the one thing I've have limited experience so far.

I've always been a bit of a solo player myself, never found it easy to join in MP games and talking to people etc so I was wary of the social aspect myself too.

Although I've only managed a couple of VR sessions I have to say though the guys on here (Fluke, Melmac, Dev etc) are a very welcoming bunch and have been great so I'm sure you'll have a blast. Even if they have humiliated me in everything we've played but I put that down to my own gaming incompetence :D
How would this fair with an ordinary Oculus + Touch setup, with forward facing sensors? The description of the game implies it's more suited to room-scale.
How would this fair with an ordinary Oculus + Touch setup, with forward facing sensors? The description of the game implies it's more suited to room-scale.

It says it will work, it probably works better with room scale. It's a free event, so you have nothing to lose, try it and see :)
Nice, Id watched the short trail and just assumed. Looking forward to it then, the social thing is the one thing I've have limited experience so far.

The social aspect is the best thing there is. Stick with the guys on Ocuk and you won't go wrong. Everyone here is friendly and helpful and all the sessions have been a great laugh.

Only had two bad experiences in multiplayer so far and even they were funny, the first was in Star Trek, Flukerogi was the captain and we were short one player, so we opened the room up to the public and a drunk Scottish guy joined us. :D:D He was an ass, but, so drunk it was funny. The other was in paintball playing against a French guy who kept annoying FlukeRogi :)

In general though most of the VR community are friendly. You will always get one or two knobs though.
I've always been a bit of a solo player myself, never found it easy to join in MP games and talking to people etc so I was wary of the social aspect myself too.

Although I've only managed a couple of VR sessions I have to say though the guys on here (Fluke, Melmac, Dev etc) are a very welcoming bunch and have been great so I'm sure you'll have a blast. Even if they have humiliated me in everything we've played but I put that down to my own gaming incompetence :D

Humiliating newbs is fun and it's why we so friendly :p Once you start killing us back, we won't be as nice :D:D
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