Order problem.....Help needed

5 Feb 2009
Huge problem

I ordered the i3 bundle overclocked to 4.40ghz on Monday with assurance it was garuenteed delivery today. He said if it's not here Tuesday It would deffo be here today.

So me being a newbie at building PCs I hired someone to come out and Teach me how to do it, get me involved as well as building it for me. So i Paid £15 call out charge and an extra £25 deposit. In total it would be £45 which im happy to pay as he's teaching me.

So It's 5 and the products didnt come I phoned Ocuk and the best they could do was refund me £10 delivery charge, which anyway I should have gotten for free as I'm a "Loyal Forum Member". I then saw this;

This is what I ordered originally;

So i saw this and opted to change my order as it was £275, £10 more and It's come down in the weekly sale to £245


My question is, why was it originally £10 more then the £265 one i ordered as it's under clocked by 0.20ghz to the other version.

And two, If i was told a garuenteed delivery by today me loosing about £40, I'm just slightly angry as nothing was sorted/no action taken as a sales rep promised me it's coming today so now I'm £40 out of pocket and was thoroughly enjoying purchasing more upgrades from here in the future

Also now I cant afford to finalise my build for 2-3weeks which is truely just ....
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possibly because there's a different motherboard being used in each bundle, one might carry a higher premium, not sure tbh tho. you'd be better off posting this query in the Customer Services section.

you could always cancel your order and re-order the 240 this week only bundle, that'll offset the 40 notes you paid for someone to come round and teach you how to build it-which, if you follow the guides on here and post up any problems you may run into, you needn't have spent in the first place ;)

it really is quite easy if you take your time and read the guides and ask on the forums.

i'd never seen the inside of a pc till i came on here and build my first pc in one evening. any troubles i've had have been quickly resolved by a little Q&A on the forums
you should have been provided a link stating the delivery order reference which can be tracked and tell you when it should be arriving within a time frame of two or so hours.
Right thanks for the replies. I did cancel and order the 240 one as the other one was still in warehouse que hadn't even left for delivery but regardless I'm still 40 notes down because of an error made by staff which I don't see how my actions played a part in me loosing 40pounds
I mean they haven't even refunded the difference from the two systems plus my postage yet so I cant order my PSU. I've been totally messed about.
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