Ordering New MacBook Pro!

OK, well done. Surely you have an iPod touch and can help me with the thread I created.
Bad planning? I really don't see why you're so into bitching about this.

The vast majority of people posting in these forums are upgrading their computers way more often than every two years, and probably spending a lot more money. It's hobby and general fascination with technology and you're really in the wrong place to be preaching frugality.
Bad planning? I really don't see why you're so into bitching about this.

The vast majority of people posting in these forums are upgrading their computers way more often than every two years, and probably spending a lot more money. It's hobby and general fascination with technology and you're really in the wrong place to be preaching frugality.

Go take a chill pill. There is no malice in my post. If you read the last point I made I said to me it is madness to him it isn't :) It was more his reason I questioned tbh. He is not buying a new one as a hobby, his old one is not powerful enough which was the bit I am struggling to grasp, but his desire for a smaller machine justifies it somewhat.

You live in a fantasy land if you think the "vast majority" of people in these forums buy a £1600+ pound computer every 2 years, but anyway, in the Apple sub forum they probably do (semi joke)

p.s. i think you quoted the wrong part of my post :), unless you are gonna help me with the ipod touch thread :)

Just saying... :)

Given that he can sell his old laptop for close to a grand, and the regularity of pc upgrades among 'enthusiasts' such as to be found in this forum, i'd say that most pc owners spend way more than £600 on their machines in two years. If they're into gaming and buying new graphic cards regularly then multiply by n. Also take into account that pc hardware depreciates at a crazy rate and buying a mac isn't so dumb.

I'll look at your ipod thread but dunno if i can help. :)
My 17" is in no way slow for everyday use but for photographic work i need something faster. I was doing a photography job at a conference in October in London and I nearly didn't get paid due to computer being too slow. Some may say wait for the Mac Pro but i need a portable as it's integral to Uni and Photographic jobs. I don't have many other outgoings so the computer is a good investment!

Just out of curiosity, what do you shoot with that would slow down your MBP to the level of almost loosing you a job? If your current one is too slow, the new one isn't going to be the difference between loosing/keeping work.

You sound like you have a lot of money for a Uni student to be prioritizing the latest Mac Book Pro over more photographic gear.
Just out of curiosity, what do you shoot with that would slow down your MBP to the level of almost loosing you a job? If your current one is too slow, the new one isn't going to be the difference between loosing/keeping work.
I have a hard time believing the difference of a few hundred MHz could ever mean the difference between getting paid or not!
It was more his reason I questioned tbh. He is not buying a new one as a hobby, his old one is not powerful enough which was the bit I am struggling to grasp, but his desire for a smaller machine justifies it somewhat.

p.s. i think you quoted the wrong part of my post :), unless you are gonna help me with the ipod touch thread :)


My old one isn't powerful enough. It has never been powerful enough for Aperture and Photoshop gets by alright. It's mainly Aperture which is a huge system hog but i find it very useful!

I think if my 17" had a newer graphics chip in it i would be happy but i can't upgrade that.

There is countless reasons why i would want a new computer, shall i list them?

HAHAHA!!! :p

Adrianr said:
Just out of curiosity, what do you shoot with that would slow down your MBP to the level of almost loosing you a job? If your current one is too slow, the new one isn't going to be the difference between loosing/keeping work.

You sound like you have a lot of money for a Uni student to be prioritizing the latest Mac Book Pro over more photographic gear.

I was shooting for a conference/exhibition at the brewery. I think it was poor planning on my part that i got the pictures in late and i vented my frustration at my computer. I had to process 3000 odd photo's and even though i had a load of automation going on the constant switching between programs (aperture and CS3) took a long time.

I got paid in photographic gear! :p

I am a money hoarder and tend not to buy a lot of stuff. I don't usually go out much, don't smoke, don't drink often and budget my money each week so that i can keep some money away for a rainy day. I work 3 days a week and go to Uni 3 days studying Sound Engineering. I don't have many outgoings.

Maybe the new computer won't be any faster but i feel there is a lot of animosity to me getting this new computer, if i were buying an iMac or Mac Pro would the response be any different?
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Buy the computer. Just admit you really like buying shiny new things like the rest of us.

You don't need to justify yourself to anyone here. Coming out with tales of taking thousands of pictures, having no social life, and whatnot isn't necessary. :D
I'd look into flogging your current Mac and wait to see what transpires at the next Mac expo in January.

Speedwise a new macbook won't be a lot faster. As you currently use a 17" Pro stepping down to the new top end 15" might feel like a bad move. I'd definitely wait and see if they finally release a new 17" Pro.
Buy the computer. Just admit you really like buying shiny new things like the rest of us.

You don't need to justify yourself to anyone here. Coming out with tales of taking thousands of pictures, having no social life, and whatnot isn't necessary. :D


O.k I want a damn brand spanking new computer alright! :p NOW!

yashiro said:
Speedwise a new macbook won't be a lot faster. As you currently use a 17" Pro stepping down to the new top end 15" might feel like a bad move. I'd definitely wait and see if they finally release a new 17" Pro.

I really don't see the 17" to 15" as a downgrade at all. I'm seeing it as a positive as i can lug it to Uni with ease and take it around easily. The 17" and the 15" has always historically had the same specs right? Pretty sure the MacBook Pro did when i bought the 17".
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I went from 17" to 15".

It doesn't bother me in the slightest.. I actually wonder if I'll ever go back to a 17" now. A desktop replacement the 15" isn't, but you can't say it's too small either.

...and I'm picky ;)
I really don't see the 17" to 15" as a downgrade at all.
Well if you used your 17" as a desktop replacement, dropping to 15" is a bit of a pain.
As for portability though, yeah, 17" is a beast. 15" is better from that perspective.

Either way you have a working laptop which is almost the same speed, so just wait till January's Macworld.

However, your post's really suggest that you just want to get a new Mac but feel the need to have your purchase re-enforced by comments. :)
In that case, pick up the standard mid level MBP. If a problem does pop up you'll get a faster turnaround than with a made to order model.
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However, your post's really suggest that you just want to get a new Mac but feel the need to have your purchase re-enforced by comments. :)

I thought that's what this section was for? :confused:

I was shooting for a conference/exhibition at the brewery. I think it was poor planning on my part that i got the pictures in late and i vented my frustration at my computer. I had to process 3000 odd photo's and even though i had a load of automation going on the constant switching between programs (aperture and CS3) took a long time.

I got paid in photographic gear! :p

I am a money hoarder and tend not to buy a lot of stuff. I don't usually go out much, don't smoke, don't drink often and budget my money each week so that i can keep some money away for a rainy day. I work 3 days a week and go to Uni 3 days studying Sound Engineering. I don't have many outgoings.

Maybe the new computer won't be any faster but i feel there is a lot of animosity to me getting this new computer, if i were buying an iMac or Mac Pro would the response be any different?

It's a lot of photos, but if they've only came off something like a 20/30/40/5D etc your current MBP should be more than capable, and like i said, if it isn't, a new spec one isn't going to be more capable to the point of justifying the outlay. Unless you have money to burn, which from what you've said sounds like you don't. No animosity, this just sounds like a plain bad purchase. Whats your current gear lineup? Are there no shortfalls in it that this money could be better spent elsewhere?

All I'm saying is for a photographer camera gear is far more of a financial strain than computer gear, So don't make computer gear anymore expensive than it has to be!
It's the old burning pocket syndrome. Really you should keep your laptop and buy a desktop, or a camera, or a holiday... You'll regret buying the new laptop if you had your mind set on a desktop, no matter how much you try to justify it to yourself and us. The performance increase and portability isn't enough justification in my opinion.

Basically, you're rubbish at saving money and are likely to regret spending on this. Which is why you're here. :D
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