Ori and the Blind Forest (stunning 2d game) coming early 2015)

Anyone done the rising water bit yet? Very frustrating!

recently done that bit, took a few goes but got there in the end.

im at a bit now where if i go to the left an owl kinda blows be up. im guessing i gotta go the long way round.

such a great game.

do you own a fiat by any chance?
I've been playing this and enjoying it. Has anyone noticed a kind of judder/blur type thing going on with it? I've tried different resolutions and frame rates, but it just seems to come and go randomly.
I bought this a while back and got a refund as I was unable to get it to display in 4K. Although the option was there, it didnt appear to be selectable. Does the definitive edition fix this?

PC version was supposed to come out tomorrow on Steam & Win 10 Store but is been delayed at the last moment no reason given by MS but its most likely to ensure the XB1 version launches first :rolleyes:

MS really seem to be trying to stamp some authority on PC games they publish recently :(

Its to shut people up who were complaining about Quantum Break being released on the Xbox One and Windows Store at the sametime.
Definitive Edition is now out on Steam. £3.75 upgrade until 27th May Only if you already own Ori on Steam that is.

Windows 10 Store version is £14.99 :eek:
Nah the discount is forever if you own the original, they just can only set a month maximum on Steam right now.
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