Been really taking advantage of the free offer this evening and I can conclude; playing Titanfall on a 4770/290X across three screens is better than playing it on my Xbone.
Not surprising that the performance is better (locked 60FPS based on my FRAPS readout - although random bouts of hangs, possibly server related?!) but I was genuinely impressed by how it felt on the keyboard & mouse (given that I have sunk quite a bit of time into the XBone version).
As a balance, I have also played it on my 4700MQ / GTX780M laptop and honestly on the single 1080p screen it felt like playing it on the Xbone (to the point that plugging the laptop into the TV and playing with a Xbone controller felt no different to the console version). For me the three screens really make the difference.
Anywhoo, I love the game either way and need to get back into it properly after a bit of a hiatus.