**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

ahhh darnit...again? :(

"It's in beta, expect this kind of stuff" i suppose should be the natural response..

still....grr :p
hahahaha, that was the best game ever. :D

Playing one of those practise games, with slow game speed and rocks at every choke. He says to me "i play this game not good", so I thought great, someone of my skill level. I build up some Zealots and Sentries, get an Observer and fly over to his base. I see 6 probes mining, a Nexus.....and a second Nexus building, right next to the first one. I'm extremely confused so I go straight to his base and break down his rocks. I run in and find a third Nexus building right next to the second one. :confused:

Needless to say I won. It was a pretty tough game though, but I managed to beat his 6 Probes and 3 Nexus.
hahahaha, that was the best game ever. :D

Playing one of those practise games, with slow game speed and rocks at every choke. He says to me "i play this game not good", so I thought great, someone of my skill level. I build up some Zealots and Sentries, get an Observer and fly over to his base. I see 6 probes mining, a Nexus.....and a second Nexus building, right next to the first one. I'm extremely confused so I go straight to his base and break down his rocks. I run in and find a third Nexus building right next to the second one. :confused:

Needless to say I won. It was a pretty tough game though, but I managed to beat his 6 Probes and 3 Nexus.

Ouch. He shouldve wasted you with those probes, well done :p
i think i am going to stop playing the beta , it's no longer fun for me tbh and time to try something else . sick of being put against platinum rank players who say they are noods at sc2 since the reset
not for me had to start again , i hate ****ing liers who say they are new players and they are not . just had a placement match and he came with 50 marines and 20 tanks in less than 5 min , i never stood a chance so i quit the game . i lost all 5 matches so i am at the bottom again , back to avp for me as its more fun than sc2 is getting

Maybe watch some pro replay and try to copy what they do? I'm sure if you keep playing you'll get better dude.

Just had some good 2v2s with Alex. I got outplayed in every game but it was fun.
not for me had to start again , i hate ****ing liers who say they are new players and they are not . just had a placement match and he came with 50 marines and 20 tanks in less than 5 min , i never stood a chance so i quit the game . i lost all 5 matches so i am at the bottom again , back to avp for me as its more fun than sc2 is getting

Cant say i blame you, just played a couple 2v2 matches with H2FScott, came up against nothing but platinum players :(

Have people lower than gold just given up? or is maybe nobody else hardcore enough to be playing at this time of the morning? :D
well i am trying to pack up smoking and not in the mood atm ;) , but why is the ranking system not fixed yet ? . all they seem to be doing is balancing it atm , i think it will not be released this year tbh with what still needs to be done
Its going to be released this year for sure. I heard they are giving a date within the next couple of weeks? can't remember where i saw it though.

Lets face it, can't clash too much with Cataclysm at the end of the year.. im guessing it will be out in June sometime

When did all the ranks get reset again btw? i was playing up untill about 11:30pm last night, and the ranks on my accounts havn't changed at all.

had a shocker of a time last night, just seemed to loose every game i played due to silly mistakes i normally wouldn't make! ahh the good old Broodwar frustration is coming back.. :) love this game
Just been given a beta key for this from a friend so I'm extremely happy.

What's the best site for looking at replays for matches as I wanna do a little bit of research before i start getting owned online! :P

Add me, I need some friends :(

On a different note I had a 2 hour long match last night!

It was my epic last stand against a far better protoss player, Siege tanks and thors, with turrets and bunkers.

I made sucha defensive line that he didn't get through till the last 30 minutes. Even then I managed to break his army and mass marine swarm his base :P

Got half way through before he blocked them off and wasted them.

Even in the last 15 minutes I held off with one bunker, 2 marines, 2 tanks and 1 marauder.

I've never had so much friendly banter in a game before, it started off with him calling me boring then later, it was a banter filled fun fest. As we harrassed each other will fleets of ships.

Nothing says fun like distracting with banshees and taking out a mothership in one quick attack with Battlecruisers and Yamato cannons :D
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