**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

Have you watched any of the battle reports? Its generally them just ****ing each other off as much as possible! Games like supreme commander had so much skill involved and tactics, sometimes battles seem to be decided in starfcraft 2 depending on luck.

Scissors- "muahah paper eat lead.....Nooooo rock is coming over the hoziron!"

The battle reports? Those were made 6 months before the beta was even out. They weren't even high level games, it was more of a showcase of the new engine. I'm sorry but you don't know what you're talking about if you think Starcraft has no tactics or skill involved. Annoying each other off is part of the game yes, it's called harassment and is done to keep your opponent on their toes and force them to make mistakes.
Am I the only one that thinks this isnt really that good MP? Its one of those games where the biggest whore wins. Most games involve either me killing his SCVs or him killing mine......wow what fun! Watched some of the high level game as well and they just do things like blocking a building with a building unit and running round and round in circles...where seems to be bugger all skill.

If I try to tech up and use different units I tend to die. If I just whore the same moves over and over again I win: 1) Reaper their SCVs asap. 2) get dropships 3) win

again, just you.

Someone tried this with me tonight. - Sent 5 reapers to my base and was killing my probes. I had about 7 stalkers out though and instead of attacking his reapers went to his base and killed destroyed everything. game over! :D

damned reaper rushers - he obviously just took too long getting his reapers out
again, just you.

Someone tried this with me tonight. - Sent 5 reapers to my base and was killing my probes. I had about 7 stalkers out though and instead of attacking his reapers went to his base and killed destroyed everything. game over! :D

damned reaper rushers - he obviously just took too long getting his reapers out

tbh if a terran does it right you've not even got the second zelot out never mind a stalker.
had a weird one just now, guy was about to own my hairy ass with loads of top level troops (had taken out my main and I was moving my 2nd to another site) when he GG and dropped!
seems very strange then I realised he didn't have ANYTHING in his base and I'd moved some seige tanks within a mm of it! (was a big map and had been unable to find him so far!) just for S&G I returned to game and drove them in, seiged them and lo his base DID crumble.
would have taken all my rax pumping out marines to kill his big ship thingys but it would have been close
no idea why he left.
Perhaps its just me. I like games where thinking ahead and planning pay off. I find SC2 rewards more twitch micro management and getting lucky. its one of those games where everyone's base is fairly vunerable and half the time I blow him up while he blows me up....fun times :D

Oh well, will wait for a game like CoH2 (fingers crossed) as CoH was the best strat game I have ever played
Funny you mention CoH when that's one of the most micro-based games there is with very little macromanagement going on. In SC there's a perfect balance of macro and micro. Twitch micro as you call it can decide games, but you don't need it if you have solid macro. Good players can micro and macro at the same time, and they'll be impossible for you to beat if you can only do one. SC requires more skill than pretty every other RTS because of the need for perfect micro and macro. SC requires you to think ahead too. If you don't scout your opponent and play blindly, you'll probably lose. If you're playing a good player he's going to build what directly counters what you're building. If you don't do the same back, you'll probably have an ineffective build compared to his, and you'll lose.
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You should give it more of a chance, if anything SC2 is less micro orientated than SC, the only drawback with SC2 is that it requires new players to look up some builds because if you get behind in economy or unit count early on it's quite difficult to win, unless your opponent makes a mistake or gets out of position on the map.
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They have worked a lot on the Single player campaign, branching missions, looks pretty in depth and not just a few tacked on missions, Blizzard invited press to a SP preview event a while ago, there's a write up on teamliquid.net from the two guys who went to it.

SC2 Blizzard HQ Visit - Single Player Preview



IRVINE, Calif. – May 3, 2010 – Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. announced today that its highly anticipated real-time strategy game, StarCraft® II: Wings of Liberty™, will arrive in stores throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Mexico, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau starting on July 27, 2010. Players will also be able to purchase StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty directly from Blizzard Entertainment shortly after the retail launch.

looks like they missed their first half of 2010 release date :p
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only just missed :p

aaanyway still got the MP beta to keep us happy until then :D SP does look interesting though, looking forward to it :)
Ok, maybe it'll come out sooner than I feared. :p

Got the Collector's Edition pre-ordered. :cool: Couldn't resist!
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It wouldn't be going gold for another 2-2.5ish months. And as the game gets more complete, which is of course what's happening by the day, obviously people are freed-up to work on bnet and the balancing. They've got enough time, though that's just my inept, outsider opinion!

But yeah, knowing them, it wouldn't surprise me if it were delayed again. Surely it'll come out this year though...I hope.
Have you watched any of the battle reports? Its generally them just ****ing each other off as much as possible! Games like supreme commander had so much skill involved and tactics, sometimes battles seem to be decided in starfcraft 2 depending on luck.

Scissors- "muahah paper eat lead.....Nooooo rock is coming over the hoziron!"

SC2 is a fast paced game with a very steep learning curve (which apparently only gets steeper as you progress)

I played a a bit of SC1 but not much and really have gotten into SC2.

You need to learn your build order, so it balances; economy, army and technology so you do not suffer early harassment or Cheese tactics, but is capable of taking you into the mid-game with enough money to build a sufficient army. In addition to this you need to keep scouting and harassing to see what buildings and units the enemy player is making, and you need to adjust your army composition to either hold off, or overrun his army depending on what your trying to do for an end game.

Any player just spamming one unit is going to lose hard against a competent enemy.
Except if that person is making Marauders. :o

Or upgraded battlecruisers with that yakomota cannon thing. However I had a game where about 10 (none upgraded) battlecruisers attacked me. I had a load up upgraded stalkers which made short work of them.

I still dont know how to properly use the stalker blink. I try to move them somewhere and they only blink a very small amount. I also have no idea how the warp gates work.

I want to be able to blink a block of say 15 stalkers like someone did to me on one of my first games. Do you need a warp prism or something?
Or upgraded battlecruisers with that yakomota cannon thing. However I had a game where about 10 (none upgraded) battlecruisers attacked me. I had a load up upgraded stalkers which made short work of them.

I still dont know how to properly use the stalker blink. I try to move them somewhere and they only blink a very small amount. I also have no idea how the warp gates work.

I want to be able to blink a block of say 15 stalkers like someone did to me on one of my first games. Do you need a warp prism or something?

If all your Stalkers are selected, press b then left click on the ground and they'll all move there. It you're blinking up to a high ledge you need vision of it, and even then you might not be able to get them all up in one go if it's a short ledge. For the queue trick, to make Stalkers walk along while blinking, watch this:


Warp gates are simple. Build a Cybernetics Core and research warp gates. Once it's done, turn your gateways into warp gates by pressing G on them. Now you can warp units directly into pylon power, anywhere on the map. Just press W, then press a hotkey for a unit. For example if you have 4 warp gates and want 4 Stalkers, you just press W -> S+left click, S+left click, etc.
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Except if that person is making Marauders. :o

mass lings eat marauders surprisingly well. (throw in a few roaches, then hydras and the important investors as the game moves on)... also throw down a bunch of spine crawlers at a choke and move 1-2 queens up for transfusion. Spine crawlers do extra damage against armor

Immortals + sentries + stalkers eat marauders well

Marauders hold marauders well

So you use the above to hold the enemy back until you get some flying anti ground units then its Good Game :)

If your opponent is going mass Battle-cruiser/carrier. They are going to be so weak early on any reasonably sized army will walk through their base provided you have something that can shoot the air.

You just need to make sure you attack their base before they have 6+ of what ever level 3 unit.

The biggest issue with mass anything is if they mass a unit and you are not aware of it (i.e. you haven't scouted).
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Indie, you need to PM the dude at teamliquid with your new ID for the tourney we signed up for.



Haha Mart, you signed up to? If we both win our games we'll be playing each other. ^^

Hey dude, yeah i saw the brackets, im in your set :) thats pretty cool! i've also poked him about changing my name :)
i dunno who my opponent is.. Billz.billz .. never heard of him
KwarK used to be a good player, XeliN and TarQes are also very good players, think one of them has the highest chance of winning.
I hadn't played over the weekend, then played a game last night, won and got demoted to gold.. won all my games since lol theres just no challenge, weird :/ need to get myself back in plat!

will just be playing 1v1's constantly now untill Thursday ^^

Hows your 1v1's going Scotty ?

Is anybody else in this UK and Ireland Tournament?

and to whoever said that the game is just about running in circles and killing peons... go figure, you really don't have a clue! its not been a extreamly competetive game since 1998 for nothing.
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