**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

Isn't that the Zerg way?

What I actually struggle most with is scouting timings and the proper reactions.

I typically go for the following general strategy:

ZvZ: Ling/Bling heavy pressure at 08:00 into Muta's if we both stabalise
ZvT: Roach/Ling/Bling push into Muta/Ling/Bling into Ultra/Ling/Bling/Infestor (die vs mech...)
ZvP: 13 minutes 200/200 attack and fast re-max with 16 Hydra/10-14 corruptors/Roach
I'm adapting my own weird ZvZ strategies that aren't muta related, mainly because the new style ZvZ just reminds me too much of BW ZvZ... if you ever played that, my god it was boring!

My ZvT is pretty standard like yours. I prefer when a Terran goes mech, I feel I get the upper hand with Roach/Hydra!

ZvP I quite like to contain with swarmhosts, then into Roach/Hydra/Viper

Masters doesn't seem too much of an achievement these days, I don't feel like I've tried hard enough to be in masters, more so, bumbled my way into it without really knowing any of the new build orders and certainly NON of the new timings...
Yep, you can beat most people on way to masters by just reacting to what they do and having better mechanics, can throw them off pretty easily when their build order/timing doesn't work and it is a bit like 'what do I do now'.

Also nydus worms are hilarious, people cant deal with them at all, so much easier being the aggressor, much why I would prefer terran if I could be bothered to learn it.
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