** OSX Yosemite **

The Mac is likely background processing, e.g. Spotlight indexing. Give it a few hours to settle down before making judgements on performance.

menus really do look awful on a normal monitor

Standard vs Retina display :


I've blown the standard one up to 200% (using resize in Preview) for as near a straight comparison as you'll get
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I love you guys !!! i am back !!! and PHEW !! I design all my wedding albums on here...I just finished one and about to send it off and this happened. I would have had to do it all again otherwise.
I don't know what can be done about the blurry menus,

I'm not sure buying a 4K monitor would solve it. It seems a complete oversight on apples part.
Chrome is a menace.

Unless you are wedded to the extensions, I'd suggest Safari. The performance is better, battery life is better and it doesn't ignore many of the carefully implemented OS design decisions because they are inconvenient.

I'd be a rich man if I had a quid for everytime someone posted on a forum asking "my shiny new Mac only gets 4 hours of battery life when surfing the web - is it faulty" ... then to find out they're using Chrome and never even tried Safari "cause my windows using mate said it's rubbish"...
Chrome is a menace.

Unless you are wedded to the extensions, I'd suggest Safari. The performance is better, battery life is better and it doesn't ignore many of the carefully implemented OS design decisions because they are inconvenient.

I'd be a rich man if I had a quid for everytime someone posted on a forum asking "my shiny new Mac only gets 4 hours of battery life when surfing the web - is it faulty" ... then to find out they're using Chrome and never even tried Safari "cause my windows using mate said it's rubbish"...

I use Chrome on the iMac where battery life is not a concern, so naturally I use Chrome on the MBP too, i never really take it out of the house much anyway.

But i'll remember that about the power thing :)
For me it was the adblock extension with using Chrome. Safari wouldn't block certain ads like YouTube and Twitch when using AdBlock Plus extension, if I remember correctly it was due to the way Safari handled extensions. Certainly noticed the increased power usage with Chrome though.

Liking the changes to Safari on Yosemite at the moment, currently on 2013 MacBook Air in full screen mode and late 2011 MacBook Pro for normal screen use.
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