Over-rated / terrible movies?

Unbreakable by M. Nightshamalan starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson.

The trailer massively sold a different film to what was eventually shown, creating a "superhero" action film vibe instead of the tense family drama that the film actually was about, with scenes of train crashes, fights and "hero" talk prominent in the trailer but merely snippets in the film.
Pineapple Express - left the cinema early, only time ever doing that. Like both Rogan and Franco but it was just awful and utterly unfunny.
Black Panther - utterly horrid film. i've a sneaking (unpopular?) suspicion much of the love for the film comes from Bosemans death. he seemed a decent guy and good actor so i can only some of the love stems from people thinking they should like the film almost as an 'in memoriam' to him.
Eternals - easily one of the worst films i've ever seen.

Over rated;
BR2049 - just didn't float my boat in the same way the original did.
Apocalypse Now - as others have said, not a terrible film by any stretch of the imagination, in fact it's quite good.....but still hugely over rated, imo.
Black Panther - utterly horrid film. i've a sneaking (unpopular?) suspicion much of the love for the film comes from Bosemans death. he seemed a decent guy and good actor so i can only some of the love stems from people thinking they should like the film almost as an 'in memoriam' to him.
Didn't he die over 2 years later? I think it's probably as simple as ott virtue signaling it gets so much praise.
Didn't Natural Born Killers have a decent reputation years ago, when it came out? Finally watched it on Prime Video just before Xmas, found it weird, even for a Tarantino movie.
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Funny story about Natural Born Killers. Screenplay was written Tarantino, heavily revised by Stone. Tarantino got a writing credit but 'disowned' the film.
Must have been a bit odd for Woody Harrelson playing a role of a killer - his dad was a bona-fide hitman.

Another miovie that springs tomind for me as trily awaful -
"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"
I've fallen asleep every time I have attempted to watch it.

A complete waste of the talent of Sean Connery, Richard Roxburgh and everyone else in the film for that matter.
The greatest tragedy: It was Connery's final role in a theatrically released live-action film before his retirement in 2006 and death in 2020.
Apocalypse Now but only because my first viewing was the "Redux" version. The pacing was terrible! I've watched the OG cut since and I think it's better. Anything Marvel. John Wick movies are utterly overrated but the 1st one is decent. Deadpool, never laughed once.
I watched this when it was on BBC last. I was exhausted after watching it. Enjoyed it though.
Anything in foreign language.
I swear all you need to do is not have film in English and critics go crazy for it!

Das boot is excluded as that is amazing.
That film was truly terrible! Brokeback

Willow or Brokeback Mountain?

Brokeback Mountain is having a woke remake it seems.

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Willow or Brokeback Mountain?

Brokeback Mountain is having a woke remake it seems.

Brokeback Mountain. I watched it and didn't really know how could spend so long watching nothing.

At least avatar 2 was beautiful where nothing much happened

That comment in the spoiler :D
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Anything in foreign language.
I swear all you need to do is not have film in English and critics go crazy for it!

Das boot is excluded as that is amazing.
You get some genuinely excellent and original foreign movies as they aren't so tied into the constraints and revenue chasing of mainstream hollywood movies.
You get some genuinely excellent and original foreign movies as they aren't so tied into the constraints and revenue chasing of mainstream hollywood movies.

Its just so hard to tell as basically all seem to get good reviews.

I struggle a bit with subs though. And it takes a lot away from the enjoyment.
But I also hated dubbed.

For dark it was too much. Couldn't take in reading and the complex story. I knew dark was good. But was too much.
1899 (a mix) was great. And Das boot wasn't too dialogue heavy, so, that was fine.
Its just so hard to tell as basically all seem to get good reviews.

I struggle a bit with subs though. And it takes a lot away from the enjoyment.
But I also hated dubbed.
Nah, there's a lot of tat around from foreign countries too - just trial and error as with domestic language stuff.

I'm at a bit of an impasse with foreign movies as my wife isn't a native language speaker so needs dubbing as can't keep up with reading English subs but I personally hate dubbing. So we compromise and watch dubbed :D
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