Over-rated / terrible movies?

Nah, there's a lot of tat around from foreign countries too - just trial and error as with domestic language stuff.

I'm at a bit of an impasse with foreign movies as my wife isn't a native language speaker so needs dubbing as can't keep up with reading English subs but I personally hate dubbing. So we compromise and watch dubbed :D
I had to watch Dark dubbed for the same reasons (sadge)
I've got another, the new Bill and Ted movie. I really wanted that to be good but it's got to be one of the worst movies I've ever sat through.
Oh god I had to rack my brains but a clear winner for me.

Life of Pi

I was so close to walking out but instead just played with my phone.

We had a 200 seat cinema to ourselves so I wasn't rude to anyone :p

F that film I don't care if I'm uncultured or didn't understand the deep bs metaphors of it all... Zzzz


That film was 4/10 at best and it was getting rated at the time as amazing.
All i can say is Nope. Race card played to max profit.
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Maverick was good because it was a breath of old air from a time when men were men and commies were commies.

Not superheroes, not female remakes just a plane porn action film.
The Mummy (2017) Tom Cruise.

It's got a 15% rating on Rotten Tomatoes as well, but surely one of his worst.
I'll chuck another one in the hat as in the over rated category.
La La Land, didn't it win oscars? What a load of shmaltzy junk.
Wait wait wait... they used Tom Cruise to remake The Mummy??!! Absolute blasphemy!!!
I Am Legend (all versions). The whole point of the story is the ending. Without that, it's just a cheesy zombie film.

Anyone who has read it will know exactly what I mean.
Have read the book multiple times and can’t fathom how script writers for all the movie attempts failed so utterly to grasp that concept. It’s not even that difficult a story to translate to a movie, imo, there’s plenty of ‘action’ in the book so it’s not like it would be dull. They couldn’t even do the dog bit properly in the Will Smith movie.
Have read the book multiple times and can’t fathom how script writers for all the movie attempts failed so utterly to grasp that concept. It’s not even that difficult a story to translate to a movie, imo, there’s plenty of ‘action’ in the book so it’s not like it would be dull. They couldn’t even do the dog bit properly in the Will Smith movie.


The whole point of the book is his revelation at the end. That's why the films' happy endings are wrong.

My boy read it recently. He didn't like the dog bit, but loved the book. There is some hope for him yet!

We gathered round as a family to watch this Academy Award winner. I couldn't get on with how annoyingly "shouty" it was and gave up after 30 minutes. Everyone else quit soon after too.
Hate book to film adaptations and real life things that create new characters.

Then when film crew make historical films, get the things correct. Classic film gaffes are like driving a car which was made 20 years after the time the film was set, using modern day terms, having a film poster in background which was released in the 70s, not in the 60s when film was based.

One classic mistake is in the King’s Speech. Film is based over several years yet the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret stay the same!
The Last Jedi - without a doubt. If there a example of how to cripple a franchise, a story this is it. Created by idiots that didnt give a **** about the characters, the story or continuity of its predecessors. All down to Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson in particular.
I know quite a few people who were extras and supplied equipment and arms for the film, and what they were promised by the production crews vs what was released was a traversty. They were told they were going to get a gritty realistic portrayal of last days of WWII but what they got instead was a fantasy tank movie. If they wanted to do a fantasy tank movie production should have watched Kelly's Heroes, that's how you do a fantasy tank story.
Yup, worst war movie I've ever seen. Tries to be very serious, but it's complete Hollywood nonsense. I'm surprised Hitler wasn't driving the Tiger himself.

Kelly's Heroes is superb, a good fun movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.
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