Over-rated / terrible movies?

7 Mar 2022
Brisbane, Australia
The opposite of the under-rated movie thread.

What films have you see that are TRULY terrible.
It doesn't matter if others agree they are terrible, or whether they have a cult following, or whether people think they are 'ironcally terrible'.

If it sucks, it belongs here.

My No1 choice is

"Plan 9 from Outer Space"

Many, including myself, agree that Bela Lugosi's Dracula is the definitive portrayal.

Some actors are brilliant for one role, but not so much for a broad acting range.

In any event in P9FOS much of the Bela Lugosi's role isn't actually him. Lugosi died four days into its shooting—his part was later filled by the director’s wife’s chiropractor, as a favour. In the final edit, the last footage of Lugosi remains, still dressed in the cape beside an open grave. Some footage was also used which the director had filmed for a planned future Lugosi film.

The film has an incoherent plot, cheaply filmed, and not at all engaging.

The best review of this film I have read is "Bela Lugosi died during filming, some say of embarassment"

As a side note (and a sad one) - Bela himself was a tragic character 5 marriages and heroin/morphiate addiction among his many problems. He was the epitome of a 'faded star' from the heights of success to the depths of despair. A very interesting article can be read here. He was buried in his iconic cape, and is remembered in song in Bauhaus' classic 'Bela Lugosi's dead'

White on white translucent black capes
Back on the rack
Bela Lugosi's dead

The bats have left the bell tower
The victims have been bled
Red velvet lines the black box
Bela Lugosi's dead

Bela Lugosi's dead
Undead undead undead
Undead undead undead

The virginal brides file past his tomb
Strewn with time's dead flowers
Bereft in deathly bloom
Alone in a darkened room
The count

Bela Lugosi's dead

Well that was an overly length answer - shorter ones are acceptable, even welcomed ;)
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3 May 2012
Lord of the Rings.

Had to "endure" the first one at the cinema, and seen enough of the sequals to know its the same. Mainly the characters, D....Bilbo is such a big woke wet fanny, and his Irish mate clearly wants to bum him. I'm not into the whole fantasy thing. They spend the whole film moaning. Too heavy focus on GCI, rubbish "stage" acting from most of the cast.

I dunno if you guys get this, but I'm not really into most/almost all horror movies I find them pretty ridiculous so basically just want to the bad guy to win, I felt the same about this.
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14 Jan 2018
Lord of the Rings.

Had to "endure" the first one at the cinema, and seen enough of the sequals to know its the same. Mainly the characters, D....Bilbo is such a big woke wet fanny, and his Irish mate clearly wants to bum him. I'm not into the whole fantasy thing. They spend the whole film moaning. Too heavy focus on GCI, rubbish "stage" acting from most of the cast.

I dunno if you guys get this, but I'm not really into most/almost all horror movies I find them pretty ridiculous so basically just want to the bad guy to win, I felt the same about this.
I feel like placing you on ignore after this post.
13 Apr 2013
La France
The entire series of Starship Trooper films. The original one gets something of a reprieve from not featuring the most important item from the source novel for being moderately entertaining and having Michael Ironside playing himself in space. Having Dougie House MD as the sinister telepathic officer was hilarious.

The sequel is just dog plop. Story, script, sets and props from Dollar General and acting that makes Danny Dyer look like De Niro at the peak of his talents.

I watched the first 10 minutes of the 3rd instalment and remember nothing apart from it being less fun than submerged helicopter escape training.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
For me, it was The Expendables, by the time it got to Mickey Rourke mumbling at his guitar I was ready to leave the cinema, but was stuck due to being there with a group of friends.
That was one that sprung to mind for me.

It's possibly the worst film I've watched where it actually had a theatrical release, it felt like they spent all their budget on getting the "stars" to show up and sleepwalk through their roles and nothing on anything else.
I remember the fire effects at the end being worse than some of the straight to video monstrosities I've seen.
I remember when the second film came on netflix or something and I was looking for something to watch with my dad one evening and we looked at each other and both said "lets skip that".

Withnail & I is another that I feel was extremely over rated, I picked it up cheap in a sale because I'd seen so many people over the years say how good it was, I struggled to make it to the end of the film as nothing about it clicked with me.

And controversially "This is Spinal tap", it's not a truly bad movie unlike Expendables, but it just fell flat for me, I went into it after having so many people on the forums etc saying how good it was, and it didn't do anything for me, it might be because i'm not big into rock and roll etc* so the jokes didn't land, but it just felt like it was so over rated.

*Having said that I'm a bit of an omnivore when it comes to film/tv and will give almost anything a chance, and I've really enjoyed some stuff that was about things I didn't have any real interest in because the film was well done enough to draw me in.
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6 Mar 2010
Avatar. 1st one was just Pocahontas, and I don't find much of it actually imaginative. I mean, all the creatures are just based on "real world" things with a twist. Ooh, a jaguar with some tentacles. An enlarged bird that has an extra wing. A turtle with 2 heads. It just feels very 12-year-old "imaginative" that doesn't really add much to the storytelling.
24 Feb 2004
The entire series of Starship Trooper films. The original one gets something of a reprieve from not featuring the most important item from the source novel for being moderately entertaining and having Michael Ironside playing himself in space. Having Dougie House MD as the sinister telepathic officer was hilarious.

The sequel is just dog plop. Story, script, sets and props from Dollar General and acting that makes Danny Dyer look like De Niro at the peak of his talents.

I watched the first 10 minutes of the 3rd instalment and remember nothing apart from it being less fun than submerged helicopter escape training.

Just like The Matrix, Starship Troopers never had any sequels...
24 Feb 2004
Avatar. 1st one was just Pocahontas, and I don't find much of it actually imaginative. I mean, all the creatures are just based on "real world" things with a twist. Ooh, a jaguar with some tentacles. An enlarged bird that has an extra wing. A turtle with 2 heads. It just feels very 12-year-old "imaginative" that doesn't really add much to the storytelling.

Avatar was a product of its time. It still remains as one of the few movies that actually used 3D technologies properly in the movie theatre, not just as a mechanism to make you jump as something "pops" out of the screen.

To watch it in 2D, 14 years later it doesn't stand out as very special.
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
I thought The Matador was truly terrible, I think it's the only film I've literally walked out of the cinema midway through.

In terms of overrated (but not awful) films, if I'm talking purely my enjoyment versus their reputation (ignoring production values, being groundbreaking or whatever) then I'd say:
Blade Runner
Apocalypse Now
The Evil Dead
14 Sep 2007
I thought The Matador was truly terrible, I think it's the only film I've literally walked out of the cinema midway through.

In terms of overrated (but not awful) films, if I'm talking purely my enjoyment versus their reputation (ignoring production values, being groundbreaking or whatever) then I'd say:
Blade Runner
Apocalypse Now
The Evil Dead
TBF with Bladerunner it launched to a fairly poor reception, it's over the decades it's been recognized for the classic it is ;)
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