over the top?

I think whoever had kwerk on their ignore list in that other thread should remove him right now.

Follow your heart kwerk, if it is your ambition cut your grass and dye it blue then do it!

Haters gonna hate!

ps photography isnt gay...
post pics of your garden please i want to see your lawn and wether it would be worth me spending 800$ a gallon on trying to emulate your success
I'd love to have Kwerk as a neighbour. This guy is amazing!

If you have some time to spare and want a laugh just browse through his created threads. Every one is a gem. I still honestly don't know if he's a loveable nutcase or the best troll in the world.

It's a fuji s9000. Photography is a bit gay IMO so I don't know how to use it to be honest.

Says the guy creating a thread about how much he cares about his lawn? And you made a thread the other day about your grooming routine with like 20 different skin products? :p
I'd love to have Kwerk as a neighbour. This guy is amazing!

I still honestly don't know if he's a loveable nutcase or the best troll in the world.

not the best troll 5/10 but better than the lower single trolls on here :p

not many inception type trolls which is classed as master troll.
've been spraying this herbicide that costs $800 a gallon so I don't want to waste it with overspray, and technically it's only supposed to be applied on golf courses so you have to be quite careful.

It's called mesotrione look up the price. It's highly concentrated though.

$560 per gallon under Syngenta's 'Callisto' brand. But you won't need to buy gallons if your lawn is so small you can spray the edges with a handheld squirter.


At least that stuff's only only $41.99 a gallon.

I love your little squirty backpack. Must have a damn tiny lawn.
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