Overcclocking n00b. Help please.

5 Nov 2005
Yate, Bristol
Hey guys. I'm in a bit of a pickle at the moment.

I've had my PC for a few months now and I want to try overclocking. I've read through the sticky at the top but that's for older CPU's with unlocked multis I think. So it's no use to me.

I'm using an Asetek WaterChill kit which is cooling my CPU and GFX card.

Spec is in my sig just incase you need it.

Here's a few snaps of my BIOS screen just so I can tell what you're talking about.

Memory clocks page:

CPU overclocking bit:

Volts and stuff:

So what I'm after is a simple guide to Overclocking my CPU.

Cheers for any help. :)

EDIT: Pics are a bit big so made them links. :o
simple guide

drop the HTT to x3, drop the ram to ddr200, and start uping the fsb by 10mhz at a time, thats all i did and im at 2.93ghz. some else will probably give you a good idea as to what to set the voltages at but i set mine at vcore 1.5 and the rest are still on auto as dunno what to set them to, some gimme an idea as to what to use for the ram..
personally i just went into the bios and checked the temps went to hot and carried on abit, i only used spuper pi to load it and see how hot it went so every so often id pop into windows, check it lets you in, use cpu z to wrok out what speed your ram is running at if you cant be assed to work it out yourself then keep going until you hit problems, get to hot etc then use prime, i just primed my 2.93 and got an error after a minuet, damn!
thats alright mate, just take it easy and ont go mad.
this 2.9 is my first overclock and i hit 3ghz and that was doing exactly as i told you from someone who has only overclocked one pc so im confident it will work and good luck
onlu just noticed your cpu multi is at 10, try dropping it to nine

edit- can that be right, i thought a64 were locked at 9 ??

edit - note locked, auto
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To be honest i would have thought the ram should have been set at a divider of 166 or failing that 133. I'm assuming its pc3200 stuff going by the pics. If so then i'd definately lower the divider as it looks like you are running it at ddr560!
my a8n sli doesnt allow lower then 200 and any lower would be stupid i reckons, in other news my pc just bluescreened and now wont boot at all
So your board wont allow you to run ddr400 ram any lower than ddr400? And how exactly is running your ram on a lower divider to acheive higher cpu clocks stupid? To be honest i'm 'relatively' new to overclocking myself, i've only seriously been doing it for a few months but comments like saying putting the ram on a lower divider is stupid is a bit well erm ... stupid. If i hadn't (and many others on here) hadn't lowered the divider we wouldnt have gotten anywhere near the overclocks we have. Perhaps i've misread you in which case i apologise, but the ram WILL need to run on a lower divider than stock if significant overclocks are to be acheived from what i can see.

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Dreadi - i have mine on a 133 divider with the cpu at 2.7 which means the ram runs at ddr400.

Siders - What RAM are you using?
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