Overclockers at the London International Technology Show

I turned up today with my sister's youngest boy. Sorry I couldn't talk much to all of you but he kept running off! :o That & all the goodies Ubershell gave him got promptly lost - typical 10 year old! Still he had a ball & I've got a better idea of what to buy for my upgrade next month. :)
I wanna see!

Fine.... -_-'

And one more!

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nice, dont know what to say, i was there from 10am friday til about 1pm, i got a few razor stickers and 2 pens, door hanger and 2 neck badge holders. Wait, i sound sour, im not, didnt go for the freebies
nice, dont know what to say, i was there from 10am friday til about 1pm, i got a few razor stickers and 2 pens, door hanger and 2 neck badge holders. Wait, i sound sour, im not, didnt go for the freebies

I went for the OcUK one especially but the rest people kept handing me :S
My loot was not that great. OCZ frisbee, Akasa Venom lanyard, some odd stuff here and there. Enjoyed trying out the OcUK machines, they were definitely fun. I swear Mark up there took a picture of me on his phone :|

Thumbs up to 5UB, and a fair bit to the nice man letting us all play Shift 2 :p

I've lost my leaflet with that 5% discount code and it said something really obvious on it but oh well :(

Was a fairly nice show, anyone going tomorrow should have a nice bit of fun.

Also I was not a "Winner" as my badge potentially speculated :(

I want to buy a new PC
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If theres 2 or more of each item, it was because this is a combination of me and my gf's swag. :D

I only took a Dial a phone since it was a competition for something we did not win... haha, those will be in the bin soon. :)

Are those chinese mango sweets i see in the background. I WANTZ!

Yup! My gf's mom brought them back with her :P
Cant show all my hord :D
But I can show you these!




It was nice to put faces to the names I have heard so much of!

Following pics are not from OCUK but it is worth a post!


Meh was okish, bit smaller than I expected with it being held at the excel and such.

Got there around 1, anything worth seeing was to busy with people and the speaking area was rather rubbish. Went round a few things, did pick up a 1TB hard drive for a decent price but other than that bit major meh. If I had traveled more for it I wouldn't have been happy :P
Meh was okish, bit smaller than I expected with it being held at the excel and such.

Got there around 1, anything worth seeing was to busy with people and the speaking area was rather rubbish. Went round a few things, did pick up a 1TB hard drive for a decent price but other than that bit major meh. If I had traveled more for it I wouldn't have been happy :P

Yeah I kind of share this sentiment (although I was there around 10-ish). Although I did thoroughly enjoy changing one of OcUK's competitor's eyefinity displays to a full 4 screens of solitaire.
Yeah I kind of share this sentiment (although I was there around 10-ish). Although I did thoroughly enjoy changing one of OcUK's competitor's eyefinity displays to a full 4 screens of solitaire.

was that you?
me and iostream was standing there laughing at a guy playing solitaire around 11am friday
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was the you?
me and iostream was standing there laughing at a guy playing solitaire around 11am friday

Oh no I was there today. I also indulged in a quick session of minesweeper, however I couldn't make a board big enough to make use of the whole eyefinity display which was somewhat saddening. It'd be good if Windows 8 rectifies that situation.
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