Overclockers BSOD code list

Hmm just got a bluescreen, the system was restarting, and was on the windows 'system restarting' screen for a bout 5 minutes and then it bluescreen! Upon restarting the PC windows gave me this error report.....

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 2057

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 9f
BCP1: 0000000000000004
BCP2: 0000000000000258
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: FFFFF800040074D0
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:
C:\Users\Karl Letting\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-30732-0.sysdata.xml

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Any ideas what that relates too?
now we know lettuces real name :P
Good post mate, i refer to this list quite often. Me and 0x124 are very familiair on my hw setup, but i think, (hope/pray lol) were getting along now. Im finding the rog bench to be a pretty good real use stress test. No prime on my wee oven of a cpu.:D
Had a few issues with 0x50 yesterday, states that this can be dram, uncore or qpi aka io/sa on haswell. Ram at 2600mhz, 1.75v, 11-12-12-32, 2T.

sa, 1.25
iod, 1.25
ioa, 1.25
uncore/cache at 4300mhz, 1.25v. Tried to run super pi 32m but it failed with a rounding error after two test loops.
It can mean unstable speed/timings, may want to drop your speed down, personally i'd stick it at stock and concentrate on your timings.
Maybe use 2600 for benching, but up the volts a few clicks, had mine upto 1.85v with no probs.

Your sa, io volts are more than enough.
Ive whacked it back down to xmp settings and just left the io and sa at 1.25. Primarily use the system for gaming and even 2400mhz is overkill for that tbh. Iirc in the asus bios, if things are still showing up in yellow your still in the safe zone with volts.:D
I just got 0x124 crash while gaming. I've upped vcore by 0.005 as the overclock has been pretty stable for weeks. Could someone tell me what increase/decrease QPI/VTT is for Haswell 4670k? The advice on the list says it may be that, rather than vcore.
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