Overclockers UK Grand Opening!! Saturday 10th November

Sparx said:
That conversation is over now, everyone knows that.. :p We are banging on about ethics now. :D
To be perfectly honest, I think it's all totally extremely amusing, people getting all wound up lol. :D :p

well.... im not in any of them photos, so the missus will never know :D

on a side note, i dont suppose the 2 guys i was talking to are knocking about here,

both came separately, i think both got hold of the 7970 but 1 was for his "second" rig. He was a very active forum member.

the other lad got there real early (i think he said 12.30) and bought his whole computer, had problems getting his motherboard though as they couldn't find it in stock....

... not really any need to speak to them, they were just sound guys to talk to and interested who they are on here!!!


i was the one with the white bitfenix shinobi XL, looking to try and mod the mesh etc

I was the one who bought the entire rig on the day lol. Yeh they couldn't find the motherboard I wanted so had to pay £50 more for the next model up.
That guy was the one I grabbed his second 7970 for the one that bought a whole pc but needed a different board as they didnt have his in stock. Yeah, he was sound! I didnt even catch his name or anything, I didnt know what happened to him after I got my stuff, I was going to go and wish him well but he vanished lol. I was speaking to a few guys in the crowd, including the guy who came on the motorbike for a mousemat and got some other bits, all nice guys :)

Yeh that was me lol. Sorry, I had to rush of home. Yeh it was a good day.
The fact someone has linked to a "competitor" on ebay without getting into trouble is more disgusting than someone selling somthing they bought from a shop.

Go and complain in the 'Amazon Black Friday' deals thread then!?

Wasnt there a bloke there who had 2 cards, one for him and one for his 'girlfriend'

I think we've established that the original ebay Seller I linked to is this bloke. His 'Girlfriend' also has a 7970 for sale on there.

She too has '2k4' in her ebay username. A coincidence? I think not..
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