Overclockers UK @ Multiplay Insomnia Gaming Festival - i48

It eventually fell. :(

I think I would have been most entertained by the non gaming related antics to be honest :D

As much as I love gaming, and computers, I recon it would have been a great laugh to go and not even touch a PC :p
I havent even played a game so far this LAN :)

We will have some photos up on our facebook/website after the event when I write it all up.
Yeah, there's always something going on at LAN to keep you entertained if you want a break from gaming, thats the beauty of it.

Regarding the genres of games played; when I was walking around the main LAN hall handing out OcUK Leaflets / game vouchers / copious amounts of OcUK energy drinks the most popular game was definitely league of legends, loads and loads of people playing games like Battlefield 3, WoW, CS:GO, Css, Black Ops 2, Starcraft, Minecraft! Just about any big name haha.

Awesome weekend, kind of sad to be home now :( Take me backkkkkk
For anybody interested in coming to the next one (i49 - 23-26th August 2013), the tickets are at "Early Early Bird" price of £64~ from Monday for 7 days (usually)- after that it's "Early Bird" price for £75~, aaand after that it's full price of £95~.

Previous summer iSeries attendance was 2300 to give approximate attendance.
For anybody interested in coming to the next one (i49 - 23-26th August 2013), the tickets are at "Early Early Bird" price of £64~ from Monday for 7 days (usually)- after that it's "Early Bird" price for £75~, aaand after that it's full price of £95~.

Previous summer iSeries attendance was 2300 to give approximate attendance.

Cheers. I'll give this some serious thought :p
Good to see you all again guys, starting to get to know a lot of you now by face! :)

Cannot wait for the Summer one now, it will be a big one! :D
Does anyone know what these events are like with regard to people stealing things? Is there adequate security and CCTV etcetera?

I don't fancy getting any of my setup nicked. :(
On checking in, you get two security stickers which you put on your monitor & PC, security won't let you take these out without cross checking them with your lanyard.

Most people have a Kensington lock which secures usb devices (or anything with a cable!) and your monitor. You can also buy some PC security screws which basically replace screws on your side panel with ones that you need a key to open (unless you have a button you press to open your case!).

At the last one (i48) there was a thief unfortunately (apparently RAM, Xbox Controller and a DSLR were stolen), which was probably the most incidents there's ever been in the past few years. Obviously you do take precautions though with over 1000 people around you that you don't know, so you don't leave anything valuable lying around unsecured - if you are going, find a group to join and look after eachothers stuff :).
For anybody interested in coming to the next one (i49 - 23-26th August 2013), the tickets are at "Early Early Bird" price of £64~ from Monday for 7 days (usually)- after that it's "Early Bird" price for £75~, aaand after that it's full price of £95~.

Previous summer iSeries attendance was 2300 to give approximate attendance.

Shall have to look into getting a ticket I think ;D
I would love to go to one of these events but the high ticket prices plus the idea of bringing a full tower PC in... ;)
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