Overclockers UK @ Multiplay Insomnia Gaming Festival - i48

£64.40 if you book before April 2nd! Carrying the PC to your desk isn't that much of a pain gives you an extra reason to keep your box/padding for the case! Or you could buy a mini trolley for a tenner somewhere.
On checking in, you get two security stickers which you put on your monitor & PC, security won't let you take these out without cross checking them with your lanyard.

Most people have a Kensington lock which secures usb devices (or anything with a cable!) and your monitor. You can also buy some PC security screws which basically replace screws on your side panel with ones that you need a key to open (unless you have a button you press to open your case!).

At the last one (i48) there was a thief unfortunately (apparently RAM, Xbox Controller and a DSLR were stolen), which was probably the most incidents there's ever been in the past few years. Obviously you do take precautions though with over 1000 people around you that you don't know, so you don't leave anything valuable lying around unsecured - if you are going, find a group to join and look after eachothers stuff :).

I'll keep my gear secured, so it should be fine unless they go as far as cutting the cables to my peripherals and nicking them, or unscrewing the 10 screws on my side window with a ball ended hex driver and nicking the internals :p

(I hope nobody would go that far)
ive already booked and paid i49, so i will definatly be there, building a new computer for one of the lads i met this time round also, hes sitting on my row, so we will have 3 awesome computers not just 2!! wooohoooo!!

will probably do a build log of it, because its going to be an awesome computer...
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ive already booked and paid i49, so i will definatly be there, building a new computer for one of the lads i met this time round also, hes sitting on my row, so we will have 3 awesome computers not just 2!! wooohoooo!!

will probably do a build log of it, because its going to be an awesome computer...

Make it happen! ;)

Build logs are things i'm too lazy to do :p

My rigs always get built too quickly and without enough modding/quirky ideas to make it worthwhile :(
well, hes told me i have a minuimum of £2.5k so ive got plenty to play with.... he doesnt actually care really what he has in it, he just liked the look of mine!!

my builds take ages as im only home 8 nights out of the month and the missus sometimes wants me to do stuff with her ( i know right) so i cant just spend all my time on it.

im looking to do some nice mods on it if he approves what i want to do!
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Think I saw your build on end of the row? Only put 2+2 together after realising I had seen it before in your build log. Looks great :)
I'm really in two minds of watercooling, but at the mo I've got such a small car and my PC has to go in horizontal so I'm worried about leaks! People say it's safe but I'm still not sure if I want to take risk/hassle.
yeah, mine was on the end of row J! you should have come say hi!

putting it on its side is fine, in fact thinking about the fittings on my computer, its probably best to transport it on its side! Get it cooled man, it looks awesome, it keeps the temps down and it gives you something to play with!

at lan, we took apart the guys water cooling to change all his coolant, his PSU, ram all his fans and added a fan controller... couple this with alcohol and we had a 4hour drinking/building sesh! kept us busy on a saturday night :P
yeah, mine was on the end of row J! you should have come say hi!

putting it on its side is fine, in fact thinking about the fittings on my computer, its probably best to transport it on its side! Get it cooled man, it looks awesome, it keeps the temps down and it gives you something to play with!

at lan, we took apart the guys water cooling to change all his coolant, his PSU, ram all his fans and added a fan controller... couple this with alcohol and we had a 4hour drinking/building sesh! kept us busy on a saturday night :P

The main reason I am reluctant to get a custom loop in my PC (despite already having a radiator, a load of fans, a pump, a res and plenty of barbs and tubing) is the maintenance. I don't like having to faff around with my computer to maintain it. I find dusting it tedious enough. draining, flushing and re-filling a watercooling loop every 6 - 8 months and maybe even cleaning the blocks as well just seems like so much hassle :(
i must admit, i hate the dusting side of things on my case, with it being white, it shows loads.

really enjoy taking the coolant out and stuff though, makes me feel like im building my computer up again!
i must admit, i hate the dusting side of things on my case, with it being white, it shows loads.

really enjoy taking the coolant out and stuff though, makes me feel like im building my computer up again!

I dont even understand how I would drain the loop though... Imagine that you have a pump/res in the drive bay area, and a radiator on the rear of your case, with the ports at the top (meaning the tubing has to exit the case through the tubing holes and enter the radiator) and the CPU is the only thing in the loop meaning that all the tubing is high up in the case, where do I drain from?
you drain from the lowest point, so i would imagine in your loop, it would be either the bottom barb of your cpu, or the bottom barb of your bay rez.

you could also just fit a draining valve in there...
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