*****Overclockers UK System Configurator LIVE!*****

And also, once your at the bottom, you have the ex. VAT price showing in orange(red?).... whereas the rest of the site has the INC. VAT price in orange(red? :P). :)

Niggly bits f t w.
I knew that my thread would work! :D

For anyone who forgot, i created a thread suggesting that OcUK should have a custom system configurator - My Thread

Looks good so far Gibbo, hope to see more options added in the near future :)
Let me be the first (not really lol) to congratulate overclockers. I used to want your systems but always have the odd niggle or piece I'd change. The selection is far better this way and I can say I'll happily by a comp in the future when I've saved up more cash.
Yeah we can look at it, but the only major difference would be adding a default onboard VGA no cost option to reduce price which we could do to all those Gaming PC's and just rename them.

At the moment were calling them Gaming simply as thats our niche and what were known for, if the configurator takes off we will expand it with more classes of systems. :)

Great call IMO, I think many of the more tech-savvy industries would rather have a honed business grade set of options, than a load of OEM crapware pre-installed.
Gibbo can we add more motherboard option for the basic AMD builds, the miniATX board doesn't meet my needs - something like the UD3H would be better.

Great idea.

I have just bought a Spinasaur from you a few weeks ago!

Why are the prices ex VAT? Is it aimed at business rather than personal customers?


Great idea.

I have just bought a Spinasaur from you a few weeks ago!

Why are the prices ex VAT? Is it aimed at business rather than personal customers?



Its an old system, that I've re-activated, the niggles for now have to stay until the coder gets time to re-code.
Any chance of adding a good but compact case like a Lian Li PC-A05NB to the SB lot?

What cable management will these systems have?

I can see a purchase on payday!
Not a bad idea, but maybe add a clickable link to each upgrade option, to get more information on the indvidual product.
Like the idea, works well.

Typo: "The more random access memory your PC has the more applications it can store in memory therefor decreasing loading times and making your PC a lot more smoother and instant"
This is a great configuration, great for customers who wants to just select the great components and then to have it built for them by professionals.
I am greatly excited having found the system configuration tool - as much as I would love to build my own PC, unfortunately I don't have the mobility to do so, but ordering a PC this way would suit my needs exactly 8)

Have a couple of questions:

Is the machine delivered "ready to use" bar installing the GPU i.e. Windows, drivers, SSD and HDD.

Is there a chance of adding the 7950 to the GPU options ?

Would 16GB RAM also be an option or not much call for it ?

Can I check that the warranty is the same 12 month as you would get say buying the Supersaurus ?

Kind regards,
ive used this recently.

only things i don't like is

1. if you pick the top priced preset (because you want the top parts)
(10400i) you cannot pick to have a non water cooler CPU.

you should allow the option for water based & Air not everyone wants a water cooled CPU. & because i don't want a liquid cooled cpu if i select 10300i you cannot select a 6 Core cpu i7-3960X

2. you should be able to add Stuff from the shop Say 2 x120mm fans & select add to configuration. or add fan selection to the configuration but this would get complex.

when i ordered my system in 2009 ordering over the phone & asking for extra DVD/HDD/Fans was a bit of a pain. so look forward to this in future.
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