Overclockers UK - the past, present and future

I hope this is for the better... Time will tell.
I hope for the companies sake, and it's customers, that the new "owners" will see what has made OcUk the way it is and keep it like it is. (the majority of things)
We've only exchanged passing comments on here a few times, but as a fellow businessman and entrepreneur I wish you all the best in whatever it is the future holds for you.

In business the future is rarely certain, but I'm sure your next 'project' will be just as successful as the last given the time and dedication I've seen pour in to OcUK.

While you're out there choosing your next Ferrari, I'll be looking up slightly newer Rover 75s on AutoTrader - but that doesn't mean I don't know how painful it must be to let something like the shop go when I can tell your heart is really in it.

All the best.
Congrats on a job well done and rest assured to the new owners that I as well as many others will continue to buy from OcUK :)

Let's not overlook the staff who has always been awesome and made OcUK the force it is today.
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Let's not overlook the staff who has always been awesome and made OcUK the force it is today.

Yep, I'd go along big time with that. I'm not particularly savvy re PCs but wanted to install a 460 GTS in my old PC the guy on the front desk asked what PSU I was using, after which he mentioned I was in danger of overloadiing it causing cascade damage in the event that I installed the 460GTS, I had to lower my expectations and go for the 450GTS or change the PSU I didnt want to buy both so had just the 450. I think his name was and maybe still is Simon Thanks Si :)

In fairness though all those I've met seem to be Great.

Cheers to all the OCUK Staff team :cheers: :)

What! No Beer Cheers smilie :eek:
Loving the backstory :)

The forums have been a great help to me in many ways, truthfully my life would be very different without them.

Thanks for that :)
Now call me pessimistic, but after the buyout of a British firm by a foreign one (i.e. Cadburys by Kraft) there tends to be a shedding of staff, a re-structuring of the business, and a drop in quality. This may not always the case, but we will leave you to make your own minds up about this. Lets hope they plan to expand the current business rather than just penny pinch. OCUK has a cult following with many loyal customers so it will be interesting to see how this transaction effects them in the long run.

The Krauts are not usually bad in this respect, so hopefully the ethos won't change much.

Not that I care to be honest.
Obviously had head buried in the sand since I finally looked for 'the' thread.

What I have been impressed with of late (before the sale) was the effort put in to engaging manufacturers with there customers. I think this has been a great success, I really thought you were going in the right direction (and still are).

Congratulations on the sale, all the best for the future Spie (whatever it holds).

(and welcome to the new owners).
Awesome news (well, I'm a bit late it's not so much news anymore lol) and wishing you the best Spie, you've built this community from the ground up to what it is today, and along with the mods and ocuk staff have earned a lot of respect :)

I hope the current staff and management team are left to continue as they have been doing, and that the forums and website stay much the same. I get the feeling Caseking aren't stupid though, and will recognise that too much change would be a very bad thing for the community and business, so I'm feeling optimistic
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