**Overclockers UK TV - Avexir Memory**

OcUK Staff
4 Feb 2013
On Overclockers UK TV, Nathan gives us a cheeky peak at Avexir - the memory that packs a punch in both performance and aesthetics. A truly unique piece of kit.

is there any way to change the pulse effect on these? or to get them synchronised somehow? Or just to have them either constantly on or off? It really bugs me that my 4x4gb kit pulses out-of sync.
great video

I love avexir memory. easily the best brand we sell.

Nath looks handsome as ever too.
Any idea when the Avexir Venom 1600mhz will be back in stock? I don't really need another 8gb but, y'know, aesthetics and all that.
Is the green like the Geforce GTX lit up Logo or is it darker, wouldn't mind seeing a photo of them together :)

Quick edit , found some :) http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?p=24707229 but its not that clear.

Yo dude, they're VERY close. The GeForce, imo, is a shade or two lighter (more yellowey green) and the Avexir is a more rich green. BUT when the two are together, it's VERY hard to tell the difference. I shall get you a photo this week if possible :)
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