**Overclockers UK TV - Avexir Memory**

It is perfect. :)

They are ideal if you want to match the NVIDIA green, not exactly a perfect match but it is hard to match completely. To be fair as anderp says, you wouldn't notice and they look great together. :)
More deals on it when more come in? I've umm'd and arr'd about mixing the 8GB 1600 Red I have with some White and think I've finally decided... ;)


New stock is costing me way more. :(
RAM prices still going up.................
Damn, thanks anyway Gibbo - was worth asking!

I'll probably stick with 8GB until prices drop back down... Means I'll spend the money on Win8.1 as doesn't look like any 'upgrade' deals are coming from MS (and you guys have one of the best prices anyway!) :(
Picked up the 8GB 1600 Green for my build the other week, been pleased with them thus far. Are you ever going to stock the non pulsing versions?
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